Savage: A Bad Boy Fighter Romance Page 12
“Ladies and gents, we have a winner! My very own Angel!” he announces, and there’s more screaming as I fight to stay on my feet instead of keeling over. “This is Angel’s one hundredth victory! But don’t fear, this is not the last time you’ll see of him! Oh no! Angel has decided to stay with our little organization and in return for this, he has given his prize to someone else.”
That’s all Wilson says, but it’s enough for Adrienne to look up. First at him, and then as realization hits her, at me. Her mouth falls open and her brows furrow. I smile at her and I must look like a monster, dripping with blood.
“Memphis,” I see her lips whisper.
All for you, sugar.
My one hundredth win makes up for the last couple. It’s as sweet as I wanted it to be.
After the fight, Sage comes to get me. My whole body is shivering as I walk to Memphis’ cell.
I keep remembering the words Cobb said, about Memphis giving up his freedom.
They didn’t say it, but I understood who it was for. For me.
He gave it all up for me.
My heart pounds. I never asked him to do it, I never expected him to exchange his freedom for my own. But he went and did it anyway…
When I saw Memphis in the ring, he was hurt and bloodied, and I don’t know what to expect now. It was hard to tell how much of the blood was his and how much Travis’. Every time I close my eyes, I see the gruesome sight of Travis’ body slumped on the ground, blood pooling around him. The lengths Wilson has pushed these men to go to is disgusting and horrific.
I want to run to Memphis’ cell, to see how he is, to kiss him. Will he be alright, or hurt beyond what I can imagine? I don’t know, and it’s making my heart jump with fear and nerves.
“There you go, Miss,” Sage tells me.
Today, his usually stern voice has a hint of softness to it, and I briefly ponder how close he is with Memphis. I wonder whether they’re friends, and if he cares how badly hurt Memphis just got.
As soon as Sage opens the door leading into Memphis’ cell, I see a slumped figure on the floor, sitting next to his bed. I gasp and run up to him, Sage already forgotten. All I hear is the soft click of the lock as the door shuts in place, my mind racing as I kneel down next to Memphis.
“Memphis,” I breathe. “Are you okay? Are you… are you alright?”
He grunts, and my fingers trail a line down his spine. I can tell he’s hurt badly. His whole body is mangled. He’s cradling his head in his hands and I gently pry them away from him, gasping when I see the damage on his arms.
“I need to c-clean this out,” I stutter, getting up and nearly stumbling.
I feel so fucking dizzy, the sight of his torn up forearms making me want to throw up on the spot. Not knowing what else to do, I tear the sheets off his bed and run to the sink. I turn on the water, but the liquid that comes out of the rusty pipes looks nothing like what I’d expect it to.
I wait a few moments for the water to run clearer, the dirty brown liquid running down the drain. I finally run the sheets under the stream and get back to Memphis, sitting down cross-legged next to him on the floor.
“It’s going to be alright,” I tell him in a shaky voice.
He grunts again as I start to clean out his wounds, the sheet coming away bloodied and grimy. I know the wounds will be patched up later by someone else, but I guess Wilson didn’t care enough to allow them to patch him up right away this time. Maybe he wanted Memphis to suffer. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
I make quick work of cleaning out the cuts on his hand, and the old gash on his side. He’s hurting badly, and once I’m done, I’ve no idea what else to do.
“Let me help you get back on the bed,” I murmur at him.
He nods in response, accepting my help.
I somehow manage to support him and half-drag his body on top of the bed, now sans sheets. He helps me somewhat, and his heavy body fills the bed.
“Come here,” he orders me, finally looking at me with a semblance of the man I know him to be. “You need to be next to me.”
I hesitate for a moment, wondering if it’s good for him to be so close to someone else after all he’s been through. But his eyes don’t allow me to object, and I climb on the bed, lying down next to him and pressing my body to his.
The white dress I’m wearing is going to be horribly stained with his blood – not that I give a damn. All I care about is making Memphis feel better.
His shaky hand finds my cheek and he gently pushes a strand of hair off my face.
“Thank you, sugar,” he says in that deep, rumbly voice that makes me go weak at the knees. “Thanks for helping me. I was sure I was a goner this time around.”
“You’re okay,” I whisper.
His mouth hits mine with an unspoken demand, and I mold my lips to his, needing to feel him move with me. He tries to turn on his side, but growls instead, realizing he can’t move. I gently push him back on the bed, not wanting him to hurt himself further.
“I need you,” he grunts against my lips. “I need to feel you closer.”
“Lie back,” I order him.
For once, he actually obeys.
I slide down his body, pulling down his wrecked clothes. He’s already shirtless, but his shorts are in tatters and they all but fall apart when I try to get them off. He isn’t wearing boxers, and his dick stands to attention, thick and throbbing with need.
I look up at him for confirmation, and his hand tangles in my mane of hair.
“Come on, sugar,” he says, his grey-blue eyes ablaze. “I need to feel something other than pain right now.”
He tries to pull me back up, into his arms, but I won’t let him. Memphis indulges me and lets me settle between his legs as I look at his cock, wondering how the hell it’s going to fit…
Tentatively, I lean forward until my lips meet the head of it. As soon as my tongue is out to lick the bead of precum on the tip, he groans out loud, his fingers pulling on my hair.
“Don’t tease me like that,” he tells me. “I can’t fucking handle it tonight.”
“I’m not teasing,” I whisper against his skin, following my statement with a long lick of his shaft.
His hips move, and his cock pushes into my mouth, making me gasp for breath. All it does is make his cock go deeper, hitting the back of my throat. I nearly choke – he doesn’t fit. But the look of pure, hazy-eyed pleasure on Memphis’ face makes me want to suck him dry.
My hand reaches out for the base, the other one finding his balls. Memphis’ hands let go of my head and he runs them through his hair, groaning my name.
“Don’t stop, Adrienne,” he tells me. “Don’t fucking stop now. I need this.”
I lick shyly at first, but seeing the response his body has to my tongue, I get braver and braver. I start sucking simultaneously, getting him as deep inside as I possibly can. Memphis starts pumping his hips inside my mouth ever so slightly, and my fingers scramble for something to grab onto on the now sheet-free mattress.
“Fuck, sugar,” Memphis grunts. “Just like that. Just like that.”
I couple my licks and sucks with my hand pumping his dick into my mouth, and he nearly loses it. His taste is taking over my senses, claiming victory over every single taste bud on my tongue.
I’ve never done this before, and in that instant, I know I’ll never do it with anyone else, either. Nothing will ever match up to Memphis – the way he tastes and fills me up, like we’re two puzzle pieces destined to fit together.
“I can’t hold on,” he tells me, one hand tangling back in my hair. “I need to cum. Open your mouth, Adrienne.”
I do as he tells me, still pumping his cock with my hand. He reaches out for me and I look up at him, my mouth wide open. When I hear him say my name, the tone heady and full of lust, my lips go back to his cock, wrapping around his head and sucking, sucking, sucking.
“That’s right,” he tells
me, his voice full of restraint that’s about to break any second now. “That’s a good girl. Milk it dry.”
I feel him throb and my throat constricts, so fucking desperate for his release. And in the next second, I get exactly what I wanted.
Memphis comes down my throat, releasing every drop of his cum in my mouth. And it’s not enough, so I keep sucking desperately while I swallow his seed.
“Fuck, sugar,” he tells me, grabbing on to my hair. “Just like that.”
He lazily bucks his hips, pushing his cock into my mouth. I feel him leaking the last few drops, and he growls as he fills my mouth for the second time. Once his dick throbs a final time, I feel his body go slack as he lies back.
I swallow one last time, making sure his cock is licked clean. He groans softly as I finish up, letting my tongue roll over my lips for one last taste of my man. Once I’m finally satisfied, I move back to him, and he twines his fingers in mine.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you,” I whisper against his lips. “I just needed to make you cum… I wanted to give you something for tonight...“
His mouth claims mine in a thankful kiss, and I let lust and love overtake my body.
He strokes my hair and I settle into the crook of his arm. We lie like that for a long time, and I almost manage to forget about all the trouble we’ve yet to face. I feel almost sleepy, and I’m sure I could drift off, lying with him like this. But there’s more on my mind, and I need to get it out. Now.
“You gave up your freedom,” I whisper. “You gave it all up… for me.”
He doesn’t say a word, just trails his fingers up and down my back.
“Don’t, sugar.”
His voice is a growl, and he won’t let me go on. Every time I try to, he places a finger on my lips. He won’t let me object, and I won’t let it go. But I decide to change the subject for a second, maybe get his mind off the freedom thing, and come back to it later.
“I love you, Adrienne,” he says suddenly, his lips flush against my mouth. “My sugar.”
I blush, but make myself lock eyes with him nonetheless.
“I love you too, Memphis… My Angel.”
My heart pounds with his confession, and my own following it. We finally said it. The feeling that’s been building up inside of me since the moment I first saw Memphis finally has a name.
I giggle. Now I feel like I’ll never be able to stop saying it.
“I love you, Memphis Danvers,” I whisper.
“Yeah?” Memphis chuckles, kissing the top of my head. “You like my last name?”
“I do.”
I smile at him.
“Good,” he says. “Because it’s going to be yours someday, too.”
I grin, then sit on my knees, looking down at him. He looks a little bit better now, less pale than before. His wounds still look horrible but there’s nothing we can do about that for now.
His gaze travels down my body lazily, and I toy with the hem of my dress, giving him a view of my pussy, still clad in a light pink thong. Memphis growls at the sight of it.
“Don’t tempt me like that, woman,” he tells me, and I giggle again.
There’s a knock on the door. Next thing, the thing flies open and Sage barges in, looking at us impassively. If he’s surprised by Memphis’ nakedness, he doesn’t comment or show it.
“Time to go, Miss,” he tells me in that calm and collected voice of his, though there’s a hint of urgency to it.
I guess Wilson let him know that time was up.
“Could we have a moment longer?” I beg him. “We were talking…”
“’Fraid not.”
Sage looks at me expectantly, and I get up, leaving a lingering kiss on Memphis’ lips.
“I’ll see you soon,” I promise him. “Very very soon.”
“You will,” he confirms.
I turn to leave and he smacks my ass playfully, making me giggle. There’s nothing to laugh about, because he’s cut up to hell, my mother’s about to marry a monster and then I’m supposed to leave them both behind, but I guess we try to find the humor in what we can.
God, I’ll miss you, I think, glancing at Memphis.
Sage pretends not to notice the silliness as he leads me out of the cell. I keep my head down, waving at Memphis one last time before I leave. I’m glad I made him feel a little bit better. After seeing him go down in that ring, I was worried he wouldn’t make it.
I should have never doubted him. Angel can do anything if he puts his mind to it, obviously.
I follow Sage upstairs and wait for him to lock the door of my room behind me. For some reason though, he lingers, and I look at him expectantly.
“Anything else?” I ask him.
“Just…” He clears his throat nervously, looking down the hallway to make sure we’re alone. “Be careful, Miss.?”
He starts to close the door, but I put my foot between it, looking up at Sage with a concerned expression.
“What do you mean?” I ask him. “It’s going to be better from now on, isn’t it?”
“Miss…” Sage tries to move past me, but I won’t let him.
Finally, he sighs, running a hand through his hair and looking at me with worry plainly etched on his face.
“When Cobb wants something, he always gets it,” he tells me.
“I know.” My reply is bitter. “He wants my mom, and he’s going to get her in a few days.”
“I don’t mean her,” Sage says, deadpan. “I mean you, Miss.”
I’m about to shoot a thousand more questions his way, but he gently pushes me back inside my room and I hear the lock clicking into place. I’m left alone, with all those unanswered questions making my head spin.
And I just know things are about to get worse.
It’s the day of the wedding. I don’t sleep at all, tossing and turning for the whole night. When my maid comes to my room with the breakfast tray, I’m already wide-awake, nervously messing with my bedspread as I get ready to get up.
There’s a small note on my breakfast tray, and once again, I recognize my mother’s handwriting. I hurry to get the note out of the envelope, my eyes skimming the contents of her letter.
Dear Adrienne,
On this day, I want you to remember how much love there is in the world. The love I had for your father, the love we both had for you. You were a lucky girl, Adrienne. You saw what true love means, and I hope, having looked into your eyes a few nights ago, that you have found someone as well. I couldn’t be happier for my only daughter.
We might not see each other for a while. I want you to remember how much I love you. And I want you to know I will always be there, no matter what. All I do now is for you, to make sure you have a happy future.
I hope one day, you will know love and happiness combined like I did.
I stare at the letter for a long time. It rings a little sad in my head, and it’s to be understood given the fact that mom is about to marry a man we both despise. I feel tears pricking my eyes and I do my best to keep them there.
I don’t want to be weak today. I want to be stronger than ever, and hold my head high as I watch my mother walk down the aisle.
The rest of the day passes in a flash, and at the same time, drags out horribly. I keep remembering what my mother told me when she was being fitted for her dress. I’d have a window, an opportunity to escape today. I keep wondering how she’s going to give it to me, but mostly, I’m worrying about how I’ll be able to take her and Memphis with me.
I could never leave either of them behind. They are all I have left now.
And Hannah…
I bite my lip nervously, wondering how I’m going to get all of us out of here. But I can’t worry too much – my mother didn’t give me enough information to prepare any kind of plan for my escape. I’ll just have to go along with whatever happens tonight.
> My maid helps me into my bridesmaid’s dress, a forget-me-not color that brings out the shade of my eyes. My hair is left flowing in big waves down my back, with a simple braid tying a few loose strands off my face.
My makeup is simple, and my cheeks don’t need any color today. I’ve already got some there, and I hope no one realizes it’s because I have a plan to carry out.
I’m forced to wait in my room until the actual ceremony, and I spend precious minutes nervously pondering whether I’ll actually manage to escape. When the door to my bedroom finally opens, and Sage motions for me to come out, I’m almost thankful.
I’ll figure things out.
I follow Sage and a few other guards, now dressed in their best suits, down to the hall. The ceremony will happen here, on the grounds of the mansion – I assume in an attempt to stop the bride and her daughter from running off on Cobb.
Before we step into the room, I feel a strong hand’s vice-like grip on my forearm. It twists my body sideways, and I know right away it’s Cobb.
“Let go off me,” I hiss at him, feeling anger bubble up inside me. “Don’t fucking touch me.”
“Hello, sweet thing,” he growls at me.
I turn to face him, my face wearing a polite mask for the guards, but seething underneath it.
“Would you excuse my stepdaughter and me for a second, gentlemen?” Cobb’s voice is a hiss, and he reminds me of a snake.
Sage gives me a fleeting look before walking out with the rest of the guards. And then it’s just Cobb and me, and the walls of the room feel like they’re closing in on us.
He circles me, and as he walks around me I feel like I’m trapped in another one of his sick, twisted games.
“So, then,” he says. “Today is the day you officially become my stepdaughter.”
He approaches suddenly, forcing my chin back with his pointer finger. I look up at him. I hate him touching me.
“Not that I want to.”
“Well, you don’t have a choice, do you?”
He grins that viper-like smile at me, and I shudder, my body resisting his touch. One of his hands goes to the small of my back and he pulls me closer, making me snarl in protest.