Daddy Dearest Read online

Page 16

  I pulled Kendall against me as Amanda crushed her lips against mine, kissing me hungrily. I pulled her back after a moment, kissing Kendall too, tasting her, fucking enjoying this like I didn't even imagine I would.

  "This is going to be perfect," I told them. "Fucking perfect, and I couldn't be happier. You've made me so fucking proud, so damn happy. And I'm so thankful I have you both."

  They both cuddled against me and I held them close. Life was good. And it was only going to get better.


  That night, I told the girls they could both sleep in my bed for a change.

  When we'd moved into the house, they surprised me by saying they wanted to share a room. I was fully expecting catfights, tears and screaming over who would get to share a bedroom with me, but they acted grown up and told me I could pick one of them each night. We rarely slept in the same bed, the three of us. It was an unspoken rule that they wouldn't touch, wouldn't do anything inappropriate with one another. I drew the line there, and they never pushed it.

  But tonight, I let the girls curl up on either side of me, content and so happy they were almost purring as they cuddled closer to their daddy.

  I still couldn't stop the smile spreading over my face every time I thought about their news. They'd made me the happiest man on earth, and this was the perfect ending to the perfect day.

  "Daddy," Kendall whispered as we all drifted off to sleep. "Cuddle me, hug me closer."

  "No," Amanda hissed from the other side. "Hug me, Daddy."

  I pulled on their hair gently, reminding them of their place.

  "What has Daddy taught you?" I asked them, and they mumbled something to themselves. "Fucking louder, girls."

  "Daddy taught us to share," they recited in perfect unison. "Like all good girls do."

  It was the most important lesson I'd given them, making sure that, when one of them wanted my attention, the other one wouldn't be jealous as hell. I pulled them both against me, their heads settling on my chest as they drifted off.

  "I love you, Daddy," Amanda muttered, already half asleep.

  "I love you, princess," I said back.

  "I love you too, Daddy," Kendall's voice came a moment later.

  "I love you, baby girl," I told her gently.

  I heard the sounds of their steady breathing a second later, and soon after, I felt myself slipping away, too.

  I woke up hours later, sliding out of bed to get a glass of water. When I reached the door, I looked back at the bed with my past, my present and my future. My girls had crawled together, and they held each other in perfect sisterly love, their heads resting on the same pillow, their arms wrapped around one another, silently comforting themselves even in their sleep.

  Yes, I'd done a good job, I thought to myself, smiling as I watched them sleep.

  They were the best little girls any daddy could wish for, and I'd never been prouder of them.



  This was, without a doubt, the most fun I’ve ever had writing a book.

  I just loved this sweet, sexy little story that came to me when I was struggling for ideas.

  I have a few thank yous that need to be said, so let’s just get right into it…

  If you weren’t aware of it, Daddy Dearest was born in KU Korner, a Facebook group where authors post exclusive stories for their readers. I just came up with this sinful little number, and when I saw the response from readers, I knew for sure I had to turn it into a book. It was too perfect, too dirty of an opportunity to pass up. So a big, HUGE thank you to Mila Greyson for inviting me into her amazing group and letting everyone get hooked on Daddy Levi!

  Secondly, I want to thank my editor John Hudspith, who as always, makes my books shine more than I ever could myself. He ensures I’m proud of the end product I put out and I stand behind my work a hundred percent. Yay!

  I also want to give a huge thank you to my rock Jade West, who knows when something’s wrong even before I do. Thank you for always being here for me, for supporting me, for believing in the snippets of Daddy Dearest I’ve showed you, and thank you for always, always having my back.

  A big thank you to my group Good Girls Love Bad Boys who inspired this dirty tale with their #daddythirst. I hope I haven’t let you down, ladies!

  And finally, a huge thank you to my family and boyfriend for always believing I’m the best there is, even when I’m doubting my own work. You guys rock!

  xoxo, Isa

  Wrath: Empire Sin book 1



  “I promise.”

  I stared at the man in front of me. He seemed like a reputable guy, sure. His suit was expensive, custom made and Italian, by the looks of it. He was still handsome, even though he was older than me. He drank expensive scotch - at my expense. And he was offering me a deal I really didn’t want to refuse.

  I looked at the photos laid out on the table in front of us one more time.

  I’d done this before. I’d done it so many times I’d become well-versed in the process. It was just like any other business transaction, really. You looked for the flaws in the contract, flaws in the product. You pointed them out to lower the price and make the acquisition work in your favor. You knew from the get-go whether this deal was going to be worthwhile. And this one sure as fuck looked like it would be.

  The girl was beautiful. Of course she was - were they ever not?

  Long brown hair, so long it went almost down to her butt. Pretty eyes that didn’t look quite brown, but not quite green either. Something in between. Her legs were spidery, still had that teenager-y spindliness about them. She was only eighteen after all, not that you could tell by looking at her perfect tits. They were shaped like teardrops, with nipples so pink they almost looked fake. I’d been with a lot of women in my lifetime, and I’d never seen nipples like hers. Not a hint of brown in them. Just the purest, prettiest shade of pink.

  My eyes slid over the photograph in front of me. Pretty face, too pretty. Lips so big they were a pout away from overwhelming her face. Her upper lip was bigger, which gave her a doll-like appearance. Full cheeks, no hollow cheekbones in sight. And a small button nose. A long neck, prominent collarbones. Smooth navel and a cute little belly button. Her pussy was waxed so smooth it looked like a hair had never grown between her legs. She was right on the edge between looking sexy or like fucking jailbait.

  “I really don’t know whether I believe you,” I told the man, giving him an easy smile. “Something about her, I can’t put my finger on it.”

  He fidgeted in his seat uncomfortably. “I assure you, I’m not lying.”

  I looked at the photos again. She was sprawled on the floor, on the bed, in innocent little poses, made instantly dirty by the fact that she was completely naked in them. She looked like someone had told her exactly how to stand, how to lie, how to position every limb and every finger to seduce the buyer. And she was doing it well.

  Naked, crying in some photos, her eyes wild. And supposedly, untouched.

  It was, maybe, the look in her eyes. She looked like she’d been hurt very fucking badly.

  I wasn’t a fool. I knew the girls who ended up like this had a past. Some of them fucked up, others were paying debts for someone else. I wondered what her past was.

  “Evangeline,” the man muttered as if he was reading my mind. “Her name is Evangeline Love-”

  “I don’t give a shit,” I interrupted him. “I don’t let them keep their names. I’m sure you’re aware that’s common practice.”

  “Of course,” he said, averting his gaze in embarrassment. “I am sorry, Mr. Knight.”

  “So you are honestly claiming this girl is a virgin?” I asked him again, my fingers trailing across the photo on the table between us. She cried such pretty black tears.

  “Yes,” he nodded. “Absolutely. She’s untouched.”

  “Untouched?” I repeated, drinking in her pretty features. “Not even here…” My fingers sl
id over her tits in the photograph.

  “No,” he choked out.

  “Not here?” I touched her neck.


  “And not here?” I swiped my finger across her lips in the shot.

  “No,” he said roughly. “She hasn’t been kissed. Not to my knowledge.”

  “Well, that would explain the outrageous price.” I grinned at him, and he laughed nervously. “Come on, Savage. We both know you’re asking for an insane amount here.”

  “We do,” he nodded. “I know I’ve sold you girls before.”

  “Great girls,” I reminded him. It was true. His slaves were some of my favorites.

  “Great girls,” he confirmed. “But not like this one. She’s special.”

  I thought about it even though I’d already made up my mind. I could be the first man inside her. Every hole, every first time she would have, would be mine. For a steep price… but a price I was willing to pay to get my hands on her perfect little body. I was going to abuse it. Make it fit my every need. Make her know exactly what I wanted before the thought even popped into my head.

  “I’d like to see her,” I said, and Savage nodded, motioning to his goons to bring her in.

  I leaned against my seat, my legs spread and my fingers tapping the hand-rest impatiently. I’d wasted too much time on this transaction already. I’d know for sure when I saw her in person.

  I stared at Savage while his guards left to get her. He was behaving quite strangely. So worried, so on edge, so fucking weird. Like he was more nervous about the outcome of this deal than I was. It only solidified my belief that he was lying to me about the girl’s innocence. And fuck, I didn’t want it to be true.

  I wanted to be the first man inside her. The first cock her lips wrapped around, the first force she felt thrusting into her pussy. I even wanted her first kiss. I’d rip it away from her when she was least expecting.

  I knew she’d arrived by the expression on Savage’s face.


  He looked guilty as hell, staring at the door with this dumbfounded expression, eating up the girl with his eyes. I could fucking smell her, and I liked it.

  I turned my head as slowly as I possibly could, because I wanted to savor this moment. I wanted to see her for the first time over and over again, but since that wasn’t possible, I wanted to make the first time last.

  She looked right at me with those fucking eyes. Green, definitely green. Someone was holding her up, she was shaking so much. She was skinnier in person, almost painfully thin. I tried to hide my sharp intake of breath just as much as she tried to hide the sob that shook her body further.

  “Come here,” I told her.

  The guards released her. The fact that Savage jerked in his seat didn’t escape me. He was eager to help her.

  She came towards me on shaky legs in ridiculously high heels. She should have crawled, but I’d teach her that eventually. I almost preferred her like this. Moldable. Teachable. Innocent… maybe.

  “At least you were right about one fucking thing,” I muttered to Savage as she came to a stop a few inches away from me. “She’s fucking terrified.”

  I looked up at her. Her eyes were frozen on mine even though she looked like she wanted to shut them because she was so scared. She was shaking all over, her tiny hands in fists by her side. She knew not to cover herself up, not that the expensive lingerie she wore did anything to hide her sexy little body. Such a good girl already.

  “Kneel,” Savage told her.

  She did, on her knees in mere seconds. Her eyes still on mine. He talked to her in such a weird way, almost like he cared. You didn’t talk to girls like her that way.

  He was, for some reason, attached to this girl. It made me wonder why the hell he was selling her instead of keeping her for himself. But it would only bring me more pleasure to tear her from his hands.

  I got up and reached forward, my hand gently touching her cheek. Her eyes widened, panic setting in. I left my hand there and she shook even more. Her skin was very pale. I’d never seen a girl with skin so pale.

  I started to undo my belt. The girl stared in absolute shock, but Savage jumped up from his seat just like I knew he would.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he barked at me.

  I took my belt off, observing the girl’s reaction to hearing the clack of the buckle against my palm. She tensed, looked away guiltily. Good. Just what I’d wanted.

  “I really don’t think she’s a virgin,” I told Savage. “So I might as well fuck her now and see, don’t you think?”

  He just stared at me, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water.

  “Don’t worry, old man,” I grinned, pulling my pants down. The girl gasped. “If she is, I’ll buy her - you have my word. If she’s not… it’s your own fucking fault for lying to me. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “How do I know to trust you?” he seethed.

  I gave him a big grin, hooking my finger under the nondescript collar the girl was wearing. She gasped.

  “You don’t,” I told him pleasantly, then bent her over the table in front of us.

  She clawed at the wood, but didn’t resist. Her body was rigid beneath mine.

  It took a single move to tear her panties off. I tossed them aside and stared at that pretty little pussy, running a finger between her lips. She bucked her hips but stayed perfectly silent. Like this wasn’t even happening. Maybe it was what she needed to tell herself in that moment, but I hoped she would come to enjoy having me touch her if she became mine.

  I brought my finger to my lips and licked it.

  “See, first red flag,” I told Savage with a big grin. “A virgin wouldn’t be this wet, don’t you think so?”

  He glared at me with absolute defeat as I gripped the girl’s ass. She was motionless, but she looked at me over her shoulder.

  Her eyes were cloudy. Just like in those pictures. Once again, I couldn’t place it. Maybe it was tears, maybe she was horny. Maybe something else…

  I smiled at her and smoothed her hair back. I didn’t give her another moment to think about what was going to happen to her.

  I pressed myself against her and forced myself inside her with one thrust of my hips. One move, and I was buried to the hilt.

  She cried out this time, finally. So loudly, but only once. Savage cursed over and over again on the other side of the table and I was inclined to join him.

  The moment I pushed inside her I knew. She was impossibly fucking tight. Unbearably wet, too.

  There was no fucking way in the world she wasn’t a virgin. I felt it. I felt my cock breaking through. I looked down and saw blood trickling down her thighs.

  I hated myself more than ever in that moment. I wanted to take it back. I wanted that fucking moment back.

  Her virginity was mine. I should’ve made it last longer. Should’ve made her beg for it. I should’ve made it hurt more.

  She was still looking at me, crying now. Not sobbing, just crying very softly as I began to move my hips, thrusting deeper inside her. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was fucking mesmerizing. The way she cried made me want to rip everything away from her.

  I wanted it all. Her pussy, over and over again. Her ass. I wanted her mouth. Fuck, I wanted her first kiss. It would be so much sweeter now that I’d been inside her.

  I was completely enthralled. I realized I’d pushed her down, my hand on the small of her back, the other one holding her hand while I fucked her. She was still crying and I didn’t give a shit. She felt unbelievable. She felt like every inch of her, inside and out, was made for me. To please me. To fit me.

  “The papers,” I barked at Savage. “Give me the fucking papers.”

  He fumbled with his briefcase while I stared at the girl beneath me, fucking her so slowly she cried out in frustration.

  Finally, he gave me the papers and a pen. I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t fucking pull out, and it scared me.

  I flattened the paper
s against her back and she arched it like the best little slut I could wish for. I didn’t even read them. I just signed on the dotted line and thrust them back at Savage. She was fucking mine. And I wasn’t done.

  I pulled out and the girl whimpered. It took everything I had in me to stop, and the moment my cock was free, I regretted it.

  “Please,” Savage said. “Mr. Knight, please. Finish inside her. I… I want to see.”

  I stared at him. What a fucking odd request. But the idea of finishing inside her tight little pussy, the pussy I’d just ripped open moments ago, was too fucking tempting.

  I was back inside in seconds. She moaned so incredibly loudly I wanted to put my hand over her mouth. My cock felt like it was doubling, swelling inside her so much she couldn’t quite catch her breath from being stretched so wide.


  Her first word. How fucking fitting.

  Her voice was sweet and desperate. Fucking perfect, just like the rest of her.

  I groaned and fucked her deep while that pervert watched.

  “Please,” she repeated. “Oh my God, Daddy please.”

  I stared at her, feeling my cock twitch inside her no longer virgin cunt. How the fuck did she know? There was no way she could have. No way anyone could.

  And it made me so unbelievably hard I couldn’t stop fucking her. The building could’ve been burning down at that point and I wouldn’t have given a fuck.

  “Shhh, babygirl, it’s okay.”

  I looked up through hazy fucking eyes. Barron Savage was standing next to her, next to my girl. His hand on her cheek. She was leaning against his touch and sobbing softly. “It’s okay, he’ll take good care of you, I promise. You know Daddy can’t do that anymore.”

  I kept fucking her because there was no way I could have stopped.

  The way he looked at her.

  So much pain.

  He looked at me, a broken shell of a man, and I knew.