Daddy Dearest Page 4
And then I laughed out loud.
At the end of the day, I was a fucking red-blooded, hot-headed man, and one of my biggest fantasies had just come through. And I couldn’t fucking help myself, Kendall was right. She gave me that juicy, peachy little pussy and there was no way I could’ve said no when she offered it on a plate like that. No fucking way I could have resisted.
I felt rejuvenated. I felt like a new man. Suddenly, facing Barbara’s antics the next day didn’t feel like it was going to be the usual nightmare.
I had an ace up my sleeve now.
I fucked her little girl.
There was a small knock on the door, and my eyes darted to the sound. It was the middle of the night. It must’ve been Kendall, and my heart soared with the newfound feelings for my precious stepdaughter. Maybe my baby girl needed to be comforted by her daddy. Maybe she needed a calm voice to lull her to sleep, strong hands to soothe her aching body. Make the pain I’d put there so much easier to bear.
“Daddy?” a voice whispered on the other side of the door.
I was out of my chair and next to it in seconds, creaking the door and letting the light from my lamp paint shadows on the floor in the hallway.
“What’s wrong, baby girl?” I asked her gently.
My eyes drank in the girl at my door.
She wore a pink fluffy gown, one she’d chosen with her sister. They had matching robes with bunny ears on them, and they both looked adorable as fuck in them.
“What is it?” I asked again. “Do you want to come in, Kendall?”
Her eyes darkened.
“It’s me,” she said, her voice whiny and thrilling just like it always was.
“Amanda?” I asked, and she nodded.
She barged in past me, and I hated myself for not recognizing my girl’s twin sister right away.
I walked in behind her and all the color drained from my face when her eyes zeroed in on the letter on my desk.
She was next to it before I could stop her. She grabbed the piece of paper and I tried to snatch it out of her hands, but my other stepdaughter was fast and not afraid to dodge me. She slipped through my fingers every single time, her eyes scanning the paper and then glaring at me.
“So?” she said accusingly, and my heart fucking stopped for a second. I was so painfully aware that I was still in just my hastily buttoned up trousers and a T-shirt, even though she didn’t seem to notice.
“So?” I asked, feigning innocence. “What’s up, princess?”
My nickname felt so fucking wrong this time around. I’d always called Amanda that – it suited her perfectly.
She was a spoiled little bitch, and so very obviously her mother’s favorite, perhaps because she was just like Barbara. Sexy, confident and oh-so-very aware of her looks. She was wise beyond her years where men were concerned, and I’d heard more than one rumor circulating about her sleeping with a teacher. Nasty little thing, so unlike Kendall, but at the same time, her doppelganger.
“What do you have to say for yourself, Daddy?” she asked meaningfully, and once again, my face blanched.
“What do you mean?” I asked her, my eyebrows shooting up. “What have you got there?”
“You haven’t read it?” Her bottom lip stuck out. She looked so fucking offended and hurt it almost made me laugh out loud. “This letter, Levi. Did you read it?”
I had no idea what the right answer was.
“N-no,” I finally uttered, and she pouted even more.
“I guess that’s what explains it,” she mumbled to herself, crumbling the perfect letter into a tiny ball.
I wanted to stop her, God, how I wanted to stop her. But if I did, I risked Amanda realizing I had indeed read the letter.
She kept whispering something under her breath.
“What are you talking about?” I asked her. I had to play the part now. “Why’d you crumple that up?”
“It’s nothing,” she shook her head vehemently, refusing to look at me. “Just a stupid little letter, from a stupid little girl.”
My cock twitched and I hated myself for it, but I couldn’t stop it either.
“Let me read it,” I said, teasing her and teasing myself because I was a sick bastard. “Come on, princess. Give it to Daddy.”
Her eyes shot up at me and she glared.
“No,” she said roughly. “I changed my mind.”
“About what?” I asked her, blocking her way out of the room.
She gave me an annoyed look before crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.
“I don’t want you to read it anymore,” she confessed. “Not now. I’m glad you haven’t read it. I changed my mind.”
“Changed your mind?” I repeated. “Anymore? What do you mean, princess?”
“I shouldn’t have written it,” she mumbled.
The world stood still.
“What do you mean?” I asked her again, my voice rough, my cock hard as hell.
“I mean I never should have written this letter, Levi!” she said at the top of her voice. “It was a mistake from the beginning.”
“The…” I could barely swallow. “The letter.”
“Yes,” she hissed. “I shouldn’t have slipped it under your door. Never should have written it. Never should have shown you…”
“You?” I asked her, staring her down. “You wrote the letter?”
She looked up at me. All wide eyes and sweet fucking innocence. No idea. She didn’t have a damn clue.
“Who else could write it?” she asked, fluttering her lashes.
“Nobody,” I said, feeling resigned and scared as hell. “Nobody else, princess. Go to bed.”
Her tone was questioning as I raised my fingers to my temples and rubbed at the headache I knew wouldn’t go away for a long time after this.
“Not now, Amanda,” I said roughly. “Come on, off to bed.”
I looked at her again in time to see her purse her lips sulkily and stare me down. Then, she rolled her eyes, stuffed the letter in the pocket of her robe and made for the door. I stood aside and let her pass this time around, watching her leave me, watching her shut the door softly on the way out.
Once I couldn’t hear her footsteps anymore and I was certain she was safely back in her room, I collapsed against the door.
I’d messed up before. I’d cheated. I’d lied. I’d stolen. I wasn’t a good man by any stretch of the imagination.
But never, ever had I fucked up this badly.
I fucked the wrong girl.
I fucked the wrong sister.
I let my needy imagination, my horny fucking dick take over my mind, and I didn’t doubt it for one second. I was so fucking sure Kendall had written that letter, because she was the girl my cock wanted. She was the girl I wanted to taste. The girl I wanted so fucking badly. The thought that it might’ve been Amanda never crossed my mind once. But it was so fucking obvious when I looked at it from a distance.
Amanda was the promiscuous twin.
Amanda was the one who loved teasing.
Who loved older men.
The one who had all those rumors surrounding her.
Amanda was the one who wanted Daddy.
The one who had fucking teased me for years… And I was totally blind to it.
Because I wanted Kendall.
Sweet, inexperienced, virginal Kendall.
And I’d just made a woman out of the wrong fucking girl.
I’d just fucked my stepdaughter.
And now I was in deep.
Because even though I now knew that Amanda had written the letter…
I still wanted her sister.
I woke up with a wet, dripping ache between my legs.
I moaned as I came to, my hand dipping between my thighs to touch the swollen lips of my pussy. “Daddy,” I muttered, still half asleep.
And then something hit me on the head and I sprang up in bed, my eyes flutt
ering open and feeling disoriented as heck.
“Wake up, loser!”
My sister was standing in the doorway. Her robe was hanging open, flashing me a view of her tits.
“Ew, cover up,” I groaned, throwing the teddy bear she’d aimed at my head right back.
Instead of doing that, she cupped her tits and stuck her tongue out at me like a slut. I rolled my eyes and pulled the covers higher up around me. The memories of last night came in like a freight train, and I covered myself up to my nose, so fucking scared Amanda would see me blushing.
“Get downstairs,” Amanda said, waltzing into the room and checking out her reflection in my vanity.
It had been years since we’d last shared a room, but she still treated our old bedroom like her property. She strolled in like she owned the place, and I muttered something under my breath when she grabbed a bottle of my perfume and sprayed it between her tits.
We looked identical, everyone told us so. And we didn’t even fight it.
Some twins at our high school did everything in their power to look different, so nobody could mistake them. Amanda and I didn’t even bother. Even when we tried, there was inevitably a person who would get us mixed up. We were both tall and willowy, with small waists and small tits but a big butt which I hated, and Mandy loved. She used it to her advantage, and I despaired about its size daily. We had long brown hair, thick and full. Brown eyes, exact same shade, the same sprinkles of amber surrounding our irises.
Once, when we were home alone, we’d gotten drunk on our mother’s bottle of Bailey’s, and almost fell over laughing when we discovered we shared a mole on our right butt cheeks, too. That was a fun night. But the times we whispered secrets to each other over stolen Bailey’s and cigarettes seemed like a long time ago.
These days, Mandy was more interested in the opposite sex than her twin sister, and I felt miserable because of it. I was so attached to her. I was popular because she was. I got attention because I looked like her. Everyone thought I was the more innocent, kinder version of Amanda, and I was totally fine living that way. But lately, it felt like she’d been pushing me away.
And I knew, of course, that she was Mom’s favorite. It wasn’t hard to notice that. Not only did they have the same demeanor – confident and well aware of their outer beauty – they loved spending time together, even when I wasn’t involved. I’d caught them giggling over things too many times to count, and every single time it happened, it hurt more.
I was never close to my mother. And now it felt like my sister had replaced me with Mom as her confidante. I’d never felt lonelier than in those months before Levi came to live with us.
The connection I’d formed with my mother’s husband was strange, but instant.
He was a reader, like me. He used to bring me books upon books from his personal collection, when most of it was still packed up in cardboard boxes when he moved in. He spent hours upon hours helping Amanda and me when we had trouble in math class. He was so attentive, so sweet. I think, on some level, I had a crush even way back then.
But I’d never admitted it to myself, and I never would have made a move… But he did.
My body shivered when I remembered his mouth on it. The way he’d kissed me, his mouth hot on my skin, his teeth digging into my flesh. He’d taken my virginity, and even though I knew it was so very wrong, I didn’t want to change it. Not for anything in the world.
“Hello, earth to Kendall,” Amanda called out.
“Yes, I’ll go downstairs,” I said grumpily. “Would you mind giving me some privacy?”
“I’m your sister, you freak,” she rolled her eyes. “I’ve seen you naked a thousand times.”
“Yeah, a thousand times too many,” I muttered to myself, waiting for her to leave, but she didn’t.
Instead, she sat down next to me on the bed and kissed my cheek, just like she used to when we were younger.
“What’s up, Kenny?” she asked me. Her eyes were worried as they sought out mine, and I worried she might realize what had happened the previous night.
The evidence of it was right under her nose. Right under the sheets that covered my naked body.
“Nothing,” I said dismissively. “I think I’m just having an off day. I feel grumpy.”
“Grumpy old thing,” Amanda giggled, smoothing down my hair. “Come on. Let’s go have breakfast. Maybe Mom and Levi won’t scream their heads off at each other today.”
I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks, but thankfully she’d already gotten up and made for the door.
“It’s pancakes today,” she said happily, then winked. “Last one down’s a rotten egg.”
I smiled to myself as she disappeared down the hallway, then put one foot on the floor. I hid my naked body with the sheets and walked to the closet, pulling out some of my favorite pajamas. I wasn’t going to get dressed up for him. I wasn’t going to fall into that trap. He’d made it perfectly clear what happened between us was never going to happen again, so I was going to treat him the same way I always had.
I dropped the sheets to the floor and bent down in front of my closet to get some underwear.
“Kendall, you need to…”
I stopped in my tracks, covering up my exposed parts and turning my head towards the door.
Levi stood in the doorway, his eyes wide and his hands forming fists at his sides.
“Kendall,” he said again, his voice rough. “Come downstairs, your mother’s waiting.”
I dropped my hands, because I felt like a bitch. And after the way he’d treated me last night, I wasn’t going to let him make me feel less important again.
“I’ll be there,” I said coldly.
He didn’t stop staring. Staring so blatantly at my tits, at my sore little pussy. He didn’t even attempt to hide the lust in his eyes, just drank my body in like it was a piece of meat.
“I’m not for sale,” I told him with a hiss, and he grinned at me, taking a step towards me. “Stop staring or I’ll have to charge you.”
My voice was shaking as he approached me. I froze on the spot. My body shaking when he touched a finger to my nipple, roughly tweaking it into a point.
“Now, Kendall,” he grunted. “Why the fuck would I buy you, when I can get a taste for free?”
I hissed at him as he pulled on my nipple. He stretched out the tender skin until my voice turned into a needy, desperate little moan, and then he laughed in my face.
“We’re going to have fun,” he told me with a grin. “A lot of fun.”
“No,” I practically begged, and he let go of my nipple. My tits bounced and he licked his lips as he stared at me.
“Go downstairs, Kendall,” he said again, and this time, his voice was rougher. “And put some fucking clothes on.”
He turned to leave and I pouted as he slammed the door shut on his way out.
I’d show him.
I walked into the kitchen, already hearing them arguing from the hallway.
Mom was bitching about something or other, and Levi was snapping at her. Amanda was standing at the stove, flipping pancakes so clumsily most of them ended up being a total mess.
“Morning,” I said cheerily, walking into the room and sitting on a barstool as if I didn’t have a worry in the world.
“Kendall,” Mom snapped at me. “God, would it fucking hurt you girls to put some actual clothes on?”
“What?” I asked, pulling my shirt over my thighs. “Levi got me this last year.”
“You’ve obviously outgrown it,” Mom muttered to herself before turning her attention back to my stepfather. “You’re going to be late for work if you don’t get a move on, Levi!”
He was still looking at me though. The shirt was from his business trip to New York, one of those cheesy ‘I heart NYC’ ones, and it barely covered my butt. I knew if I leaned down just a little bit, my panties would peek out. If he wanted to play games with me, I was more than willing to play along. Levi thought he was in charge here, but
I had my own aces up my sleeve, and my body was one of them.
I turned my back to him and hugged my sister from behind. She smacked me with the spatula, leaving a blob of pancake mix on my nose. I hopped up on the counter and used my finger to get it off and lick it up.
Levi came up to me, his eyes fucking furious as he opened the cutlery drawer. He gave me a challenging look, making me move my legs, and I quickly checked to find my mother fully engrossed in her newspaper and my sister frowning at the pancakes.
Then, instead of pulling my legs to the side, I spread them as wide open as I possibly could, pulling the drawer open for Levi and giving him an innocent look.
“Fork? Spoon?” I asked him, my fingers touching the cool steel of the cutlery. “What do you need?”
He hissed and grabbed a knife from my fingers. The words he whispered in my ear came so suddenly but felt so damn exciting.
“I should play with you using this as punishment.”
A whispered promise against the shell of my ear, and then he was gone, and my legs snapped back shut.
I got off the counter and Amanda loaded my plate with burnt pancakes.
Well, to be fair only half of them were burnt.
The rest were so raw they were still a bit runny.
We all sat down to breakfast like one big, fucking fake family.
Mom didn’t look up from her paper, and Levi didn’t look up from his phone. Amanda rolled her eyes and got her own out, and I just sat there and miserably sliced my pancakes into tiny pieces. Nobody said a thing, and the room was quiet and boring. My mind kept replaying the events of last night, and I wanted to hate Levi, hate myself for what had happened… but I couldn’t quite bring myself to do it.
“Well, I’m off,” Mom said with a heavy sigh, barely looking at any of us as she got up and left a kiss on Amanda’s forehead.
It always hurt a little when she acted like that, like Mandy was her only daughter. I never mentioned it though. I wasn’t brave enough.
I watched my sister drown her pancakes in maple syrup while Levi followed Mom outside. I heard them arguing in the hallway, and for the umpteenth time, I wondered how long it would take them to get that damn divorce already. Of course, I already knew the answer. Not for another four months, not if my mom had anything to do with it.