Daddy Dearest Page 5
Levi and Mom had signed a prenup before they got married.
We were never poor. Mom had a great job since we were born, and she only spent a few months with us as babies before returning to it. We’d never known our father, and we were both fine with it staying that way. Mom used a sperm donor, because she always said men weren’t worth the trouble of a relationship. I didn’t know what category that put me and Mandy in, but once again, I was too afraid to ask.
Then Levi came along.
And he wasn’t just well-off, he was rich.
The car he drove was flashy, and so were his clothes. Mom told us his watch cost tens of thousands of dollars, which made my mouth drop and made Amanda look at our new stepfather with even more interest. He lavished us with expensive gifts, always. It was only when he and Mom had a terrible fight about us using him that I asked Levi to stop. And while he still bought Mandy designer bags and clothes, he gave me different kinds of presents.
A book he enjoyed.
The NYC shirt.
A Build-A-Bear I was much too old for but still slept with every night.
I thought the gifts were more meaningful than Amanda’s, and I always thought he secretly liked me better. I would never brag about it, though. Just knowing it was enough for me.
But while Levi’s business kept booming, Mom’s slowly felt off a cliff.
I didn’t realize we were having money problems until I heard them fighting, and by then, the whole thing was doomed anyway.
And now, I knew what Mom was trying to do. We all knew.
The prenup stated she wouldn’t get any money off Levi if they got divorced before three years were up… And we all knew Mom was trying to bide her time. She needed that money. We all did.
I wasn’t sure how Levi felt about the whole thing, and I wasn’t about to ask, either.
But when I heard the front door slam, I still got up and walked into the hallway, forgetting about my sister who was texting one of her boyfriends.
Levi was leaning against the hallway wall, and in the cool morning light, his hair looked grayer than ever before.
I kind of liked it.
“Hey,” I said softly.
When his eyes snapped to mine, I tugged at the hem of my shirt self-consciously. So much for being confident.
“Are you going to be okay?”
“Aren’t I always, baby girl?” he grinned at me. “You know I’ll be just fine. I always am.”
“I’m sorry,” I muttered. “About the way she acts.”
“It’s okay,” he shrugged. “I haven’t exactly been an angel either.”
I remembered the rumors. What my sister told me. Levi fucking girls left and right when Mom wasn’t looking. Levi in my room. Levi inside me.
“No, I guess not,” I whispered.
We stood there awkwardly before he peeled his body away from the wall and walked up to me.
Right away, my skin felt like it was on fire. And when he pressed his palm against my cheek, I only felt it more intensely.
“You’re blushing,” he told me roughly, and I kept my gaze firmly fixed on the floor. “Beautiful baby girl, so pretty when you blush like that for me.”
“Lev–” I started, but my words trailed off into nothing. “Please, don’t.”
“I already did.”
I could feel him grinning, and I wished I could hate him for it.
“Look at me,” he ordered, and I shook my head no. “Come on, Kendall. Eyes up.”
I looked up and wished I hadn’t. His eyes were gentle, sweet, caring. They were nothing like the night before.
“We’ll be alright,” he promised me. “It’ll all work out. Do you believe me?”
I shook my head again.
“It will be,” he said, sounding so certain I was almost tempted to believe him for a second. “I’ll sort this whole fucking mess out, and then I’ll be off. I’ll get out of your lives, I’ll let you be, baby girl.”
“Don’t.” I wished I hadn’t sounded so pathetic. “I don’t want you to go.”
“What do you want?” he demanded, and I felt tears pricking my eyes.
I felt ashamed. Like a little girl who can’t keep her emotions at bay. He wasn’t even my father. He was… just Levi.
My Levi.
He was always mine. Mine and Amanda’s more so than our mother’s.
“I want you to stay,” I said. “I want you to fuck me again…”
He moved his hand to my hair and tugged on it.
“Please,” I whispered. “I really want you to fuck me again.”
“Please what?” he asked softly.
“Daddy,” I managed to get out. “Daddy, please.”
His fingers trailed a line down my spine and I shivered when he reached my ass and cupped it. My butt bounced for him and he grinned to himself with dark intentions when it did.
“You just focus on being happy,” he told me.
“I’m not happy when you’re not,” I confessed, and he grinned even wider.
“Good girl,” he said. “The happier you make me, the happier you’ll be, baby girl.”
His hand snapped back up, wrapping around my throat. I didn’t make a sound, just looked up at him with wide, adoring eyes.
“Kiss me,” I begged him so needily, but the ache between my legs was too much to feel embarrassed. “Kiss me, Daddy. Kiss me please.”
“I can’t,” he groaned, his free hand reaching up, his thumb hooking in my mouth.
I opened wide for him.
He looked into me, inside my mouth, inside my body.
“Can’t you open wider?” he asked gently, and I shook my head as well as I could. “Oh, baby girl. We’re going to have to stretch that mouth too, aren’t we?”
He chuckled to himself, let go of me and walked out the door all in a matter of seconds.
And then it was just me in the hallway, and my soaked, trembling thighs.
Until I looked up and found my sister standing there, her eyes searching mine.
“K-Kenny?” she asked.
I left home with an erection I couldn’t fight off.
My dick sat heavily between my legs as I drove to work, a painful reminder of what I’d done the previous night. How badly I’d fucked up because I followed my animalistic instincts instead of stopping to think. I’d just made a real fucking mess of my life – and for once, I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to charm my way out of this one.
I arrived at work and left my car in the garage before taking the elevator to the top floor of the building. The receptionist made eyes at me, trying to sound sexy as she greeted me, but I ignored her completely. I had bigger worries than an employee having the hots for me. Instead, I made my way into my office, past my personal assistant who rushed after me with a stack of papers in her hands and an annoyed expression.
“You have a conference call in ten minutes,” she babbled. “Three meetings today, and Mr. Evans called asking for you to call him back. I’ve got all your messages here but I need to take an early lunch break, my son hasn’t been feeling well and I have to–”
“Angela,” I interrupted her, holding a hand up.
She stopped in her tracks, staring at me as I gave her a placating smile.
“Angela,” I repeated. “Tell me honestly. Do I look like a give a shit about your son?”
Her mouth set in a thin line as she glared at me, but of course, she wasn’t brave enough to speak up or say a word to insult me. I was infamous for getting rid of my assistants the moment I put my cock in their cunts, and Angela hadn’t even gotten that far yet. But judging by the way she was licking her luscious lips, I was definitely on her to-do list.
“No,” she replied in a clipped tone. “I was just trying to–”
“I don’t care,” I told her. “Do your job. You’re paid well enough, aren’t you?”
She nodded and looked pissed as she did so. The little blush that crept up her neck made me horny. r />
“Good,” I growled. “Now get the fuck back to work and make sure to keep my schedule open today. I don’t have time for shit unless it’s urgent. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Mr. Reed,” she said in a hushed tone and scrambled out of my office.
At least she fucking closed the door on the way out. I needed the privacy as much as I needed a damn good blowjob to drain my cock of the cum Kendall had pent up inside me.
I sat down on the plush leather office chair and whirled around in it to look at my view. When I was picking out the building for my business, I made sure to get one with a good view. And it wasn’t because I wanted to admire it. I wanted the best fucking building in the city, because I wanted every single person who walked through my door to be intimidated. And so far, I was doing a damn good job of it.
I stared at the city below me and it felt like the metropolis lay at my feet. I was the King, and I had been since I’d built Reed Management from the ground up. I was always determined, always knew exactly what the fuck I wanted, and no obstacle was big enough to stop me in my quest to get it.
When I first met Barbara Violet, I knew I wanted her.
She was this high and mighty, uppity fucking bitch that seemed like the female version of me. She was a couple of years older, and she reminded me of the woman I’d lost my virginity to. Strong, fucking meticulous and savage when she was being fucked. The first time I put my cock in her pussy she screamed so loudly, my assistant thought I was killing someone in my office. She was a screamer alright. It only took her ten minutes after walking into my office, all manicured and with her head raised high, to end up on her back on my desk and screaming for mercy.
I went in head first. I was convinced she was the one for me, because I’d never had sex that explosive before. We’d been fucking for a few months before she told me about her daughters, and from the get-go, it was a turn off for me. I didn’t get or do children.
But she weaseled her way into my life, and after making some business suggestions that proved to be beneficiary to my business, I married the woman.
I realized what a mistake I’d made days after, when she broke a plate over my head and I had to get six stitches for the gash in my temple.
She was a fucking hurricane. After dealing with her, I finally understood why hurricanes were named after women.
But I couldn’t leave then. She wouldn’t let me. Barbara Violet had her claws firmly under my skin, and she was holding on for dear life. She refused to sign the divorce papers, and as time went on, I found myself finding the new lifestyle easier.
I still fucked whoever I wanted.
But I had a sweet, loving girl waiting for me at home.
Too bad it wasn’t my wife.
If I was being honest with myself, I’d always fantasized about Kendall. It was hard not to notice Amanda with her fucking crop tops and skirts so tight and short they showed off her ass cheeks, but Kendall had always intrigued me. She was well-read. Sweet. Kind. She was the kind of woman I didn’t think existed anymore, and she’d been right under my nose the whole time. And of course, I couldn’t resist her siren call. But finding out it had been her sister all along made me feel so fucking dirty.
Amanda was promiscuous, daring, revealing.
Kendall was innocent, shy and timid.
I took advantage of the wrong girl, but if I could do it all over again, I’d repeat the same mistake. And not just once.
I’d really fucked up royally, and now I had a mess on my hands if I wasn’t careful.
My phone rang and I glared at it, annoyed with Angela for letting a call through when I’d told her perfectly clearly no one was to disturb me. But when I saw the name flashing on the screen, I still picked up.
“Talk to me,” I barked into the phone, and listened.
“Still the same situation,” the voice told me. “She’s fucking that sales rep at Bennet & Bennet. She’s been seeing him for months now. To me it looks like they’re planning something.”
“My fucking takedown,” I gritted out. “Alright, thanks.”
I slammed the phone down and glared at the view again.
I’d hired a Private Eye months ago to spy on Barbara. The results weren’t surprising at all. She was stringing another man along, probably setting her sights on another fortune to be had. If she kept going at her current rate, she’d be divorced five times before she turned fifty.
I had no mercy for Barbara. She was a fucking bitch, and I was only thankful my Kendall didn’t seem to be like her in the slightest.
Once again, I found myself thinking about my stepdaughter’s sweet whimpers as I fucked her. She’d moaned so loudly, she was such a good girl for me. I could listen to those fucking sounds she made over and over again, and I fully intended on doing so. And her calling me Daddy, fuck, that did things to me I’d be better off ignoring.
I felt like a dirty old man around her, and I fucking loved it.
My phone rang again, and I glared at it for the second time.
I sighed before picking up.
There was nothing wrong with Amanda. Not as a woman, not as a daughter. While she was adventurous, she was mostly a good girl and kept to her curfew, even though her mother indulged her terribly. But she was kind and sweet just like Kendall. Her sexuality was off the charts though. She was only eighteen but the girl acted much older, she was so confident. Like she held every man in the world in the palm of her hand. And with the way she acted, the way she looked, I had no doubt she’d do just that in her own time.
“Hey, princess,” I said.
“Hey, Levi.”
She sounded a little bit hurt. The whole thing was awkward as fuck. Thank God she didn’t know I’d read that letter… and what I’d done right after.
“Can you come pick me up at school?” she asked.
“Is it that time already?” I glanced at my watch.
Somehow, hours had passed between me scolding Angela and the phone call I was having. Fuck.
“Yeah, I can pick you up,” I said, grabbing my jacket off the coat rack. “I need an early day today.”
“Okay, Daddy,” she giggled, ending the call.
Fuck. She was messing with my head. Nasty little girl.
I pulled my blazer on and left my office buttoning it up. Angela rushed after me as I made my way to the elevator.
“Mr. Reed!” she cried out. “Please don’t leave yet, we have so much to do… A whole list of things that need to be done, appointments, meetings, Mr. Evans has called six times…”
I stopped walking and turned around slowly. Angela froze on the spot and looked at me with her eyes so terrified I couldn’t help but revel in it. I approached her slowly and she backed up against the wall with her clipboard clutched firmly to her chest.
“Angela,” I said calmly, placing my hand on the wall and caging her body under mine.
She let out a hiss as I let my eyes wander appreciatively over her body. She inhaled deeply as I did so, and her tits bounced with the motion. She wasn’t bad looking at all.
“I’m going to leave now,” I said roughly. “And you’re going to be a good girl and make sure everything is running smoothly. And when you do…”
I let my fingers wander down her blouse, playing with the buttons, never touching skin. She exhaled so loudly the whole floor must’ve heard her. She was trembling under my touch.
“There will be a nice bonus waiting for you,” I finished, flicking her button.
It flew off her blouse, popping the fabric open and exposing her lacy bra. She gasped as I looked up, grinning into her reddening face.
“Say hi to your son for me,” I told her with a wink and walked into the elevator.
I was never going to give up.
Maybe he hadn’t read the letter. But so what? I had plenty of aces up my sleeve and I wasn’t about to give up just because my first try hadn’t gone well.
I looked at
myself in the bathroom mirror, fluffing up my dark brown hair and applying another layer of pink lipstick that brought out the whiteness of my teeth. I tugged my shirt down and pulled my skirt just a little bit higher, making sure it was absolutely inappropriate for walking around in.
Two girls walked into the school bathroom, and when they saw me, they muttered something to each other and giggled, shooting me looks. But I didn’t give a shit. Not then, not ever.
I was very aware girls didn’t like me. Why would they? I was infamous for sleeping around and I’d made several guys cheat over the past few school years. I wasn’t trying to make friends, anyway. I was trying to get through my last year of high school with my sanity intact, and I wanted to have as much fun as I possibly could while I was doing it.
I was like Kendall in many ways, but I didn’t do the same things for fun she did.
Her idea of a good time was curling up with a stupid book.
Mine was fucking my enemy’s boyfriend and planting so many hickeys on his neck she couldn’t pretend not to notice.
So when I walked out of that bathroom, I grinned at the girls and blew them a kiss. One of them rolled her eyes and the other one just stared at me. How fun. Maybe she was a curious little bunny. I liked those types a lot.
I walked out into the school parking lot and spotted Levi’s Lexus right away. I waved at him, making sure my shirt rode up when I did, revealing the tanned, toned skin of my navel. I couldn’t see inside the car because the windows were tinted, so I just opened the passenger door and climbed in.
A wave of chilled air-conditioned air hit my skin as I did so, and Levi’s hand brushed my arm briefly.
“Hi, Daddy,” I said playfully, and he laughed out loud.
“You gotta stop calling me that,” he told me sternly. “People are going to think it’s weird as fuck.”
I grinned wide. I loved that he wasn’t afraid of cursing in front of me. He treated me like an adult, that was one of my favorite things about Levi. He never acted like I was a kid, like so many other people did.