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Daddy's Girl Page 5

  “What a little overachiever,” Law grunted, and I found myself blushing. Finally, I risked taking a look into his eyes. They were troubled, hiding secrets from me, but at the same time, I could tell he was holding himself back.

  I’d stripped off my dress that morning. The cellar wasn’t hot, but the fever was burning me up.

  Law’s hand brushed my cheek and I leaned into it, hating myself for breaking so easily. I told myself I was only doing it to get in his good graces, but I think we both knew the truth. I needed Lawson.

  “Get on my boot, babygirl,” he told me gently, the edge in his voice slowly dissipating and being replaced by genuine affection. “Ride it.”

  I blushed and hesitated for a second, long enough to make his eyes cloud over. He grabbed my chin, making me look at him.

  “I said fucking now,” he growled at me, and I felt the familiar hint of tears prickling in my eyes. “You don’t want to be punished again, do you, baby?”

  I shook my head no and pulled my body over his boot, settling my naked pussy over the shoe. He groaned as I looked up at him, my eyes wide with expectation. We both knew what was coming next.

  He tangled one hand in my hair, his fingers twisting into knots in my blonde mane. I took a deep breath when he reached for his zipper, undoing it in a single motion. Law pulled out his cock.

  It was even fucking bigger than I remembered; so huge I couldn’t even imagine fitting it in my mouth. I doubted I could even wrap my lips around the thick bulging head again, but I knew I would have to.

  “Come on, babygirl.” Law’s voice had lost its edge again, and I noticed the same note of affection he’d used with me before when I was being good. “Open that pretty little mouth of yours and stick out your tongue for Daddy.”

  I didn’t want to obey at first, but his words had a strange effect on me and my lips parted as if of their own accord. I stuck out my tongue, feeling my mouth water involuntarily at the sight of him.

  The tip of Law’s cock was glistening with what I now knew was precum, decorating his rock hard cock like a single pearl on the tip of it.

  A sinister smile took over his face as he stroked my cheek, ready to deal another blow.

  “Beg,” he told me simply.

  My eyes fluttered open and closed and I swallowed thickly, but the lump in my throat wouldn’t go away. I knew this was coming, knew he would take it a step further just to punish me some more for biting him the last time he was down here.

  “Please,” I choked out, the word barely above a whisper.

  He raised his eyebrows at me and I sobbed, my chest heaving with the silent plea to make him stop. The worst part of Law’s torture was knowing I liked it, loved the way he made me blush and loved the things he made me do. It made me feel so dirty, so fucking good.

  He didn’t need to say another word to let me know I’d need to do more than the single please I’d uttered so far. And we both knew I’d be forced to do it eventually, if I didn’t want to be left to rot in the cellar by myself again.

  My hips started moving then, rolling over his boots and making me gasp softly as I felt the buttery leather rubbing against my clit. Law’s grip on my hair tightened, and a look in his eyes told me he was surprised, but pleased with what I was doing. It felt too good to stop, what was supposed to distract him lighting a fire inside me.

  “Please, Daddy.” The word fell off my lips with more ease now, and I blushed deeply as my eyes connected with his. “Please, let me suck your cock clean.”

  “Good girl,” Law cooed, smoothing down my hair though his grip was still tight and unrelenting. I couldn’t get away from him, and I didn’t want to anymore, either. “See what a few days of solitude can teach you? I don’t like brats, baby. We’re gonna have to turn you into a good little girl for Daddy.”

  I moaned, my hips sliding across his boot and covering it in my juices. I was wetter than I’d ever been and so fucking desperate. Law stroked himself and I licked my lips, needing it inside my mouth. I felt empty, the absence of his bulging cock between my lips almost painful.

  He didn’t push his cock into my mouth this time. He waited for me to look up at him desperately instead, my tongue out and my chin shaking as I begged silently to be fed.

  I finally couldn’t take any more. I leaned closer and sucked the tip of him between my lips, filling my mouth with his warmth. The salty taste made me shiver and I mewled against his dick as I sucked clumsily.

  “Just like that, babygirl,” Law told me with a groan. He yanked on my hair and I yelped when he pushed my head back, making his cock go that much deeper inside my mouth. He filled me completely, going so deep I almost choked, filling my whole throat with his hardness.

  “Good fucking girl,” Law said. “Open wider.”

  I obeyed, my eyes going to his and begging. Not for him to stop, but for more.

  I started sucking at the same time as my tongue slid across his length, licking every inch of Law’s cock and tasting his musk on my lips. My hips started grinding against his boot again, picking up speed as I sucked, getting more and more desperate to get myself off. My hands shook and I fought the instinct to reach between my legs, push down on my clit and make myself cum.

  Law noticed, and his grin made me flush.

  “Does my baby want to get off?” he asked me sweetly. There was an edge to his voice and I knew he was getting close to blowing his hot load inside my mouth. “Go on then, princess. Reach between those whore legs and strum your clit for me. Show me how you play for Daddy.”

  I obeyed because I needed to. The desire to cum along with him was making me tense, and as soon as my fingers touched my clit, I moaned, a long and sensual sound that made his cock slide deeper between my lips.

  Law groaned and I started touching myself. I wasn’t used to touching myself like that, having always been too shy to get myself off. But with him watching me, it was easier, and my fingers fell into rhythm along with the thrusts of Law’s hips guiding his cock deeper inside me.

  “Jesus fuck, babygirl,” he grunted. “Cum with me. You need to cum for Daddy.”

  I moaned, slow and deep and needy as he started fucking my mouth. I had stopped sucking, too needy to get myself off to pay any attention to the cock between my lips.

  “Don’t you fucking dare stop sucking,” Law snapped. “Keep licking, baby. Keep getting yourself off until Daddy blows his hot load inside your mouth.”

  I could barely obey, so far gone, so needy for the release I’d been working toward I almost forgot to flick my tongue against the silky skin of Law’s cock. I felt him tighten, felt him throb on my tongue right before he came, cursing out loud and spilling every drop of his hot seed down my throat.

  His dick was lodged so deep inside my throat I didn’t even need to swallow. His cum slid down my throat and I lapped at his cock desperately for another taste just as the orgasm took over, making me shake and leak all over Law’s boot.

  He was pulling on my hair hard as his dick slowly softened in my mouth. I felt hot shameful tears sliding down my cheeks as I came down from my high, crawling off of his boot, Law’s dick slipping from my mouth with a loud slurp.

  Lawson gave me a moment, never letting go of my hair as he took a deep breath and watched the sobs shake my body. For a second I thought I’d heard my mom’s voice again, the phantom sound of it echoing in my head.

  “What a good fucktoy,” Lawson told me, stroking my hair off my face. “Now be an even better little slut and lick yourself off Daddy’s boot.”

  I gave him an incredulous look, ready to bite back a reply, but his eyes told me everything I needed to know. This was another test, and I needed to pass it if I wanted this to go back to the way they were – the new normal.

  Slowly, I got on my hands and knees and my tongue slipped out between my lips. I licked at the leather tentatively, one slow flick of my tongue after the other. Law’s hand remained tangled in my hair as he crouched down and he petted me like a kitten as I cleaned my own j
uices off.

  I forgot to feel embarrassed.

  I forgot to complain, or bitch, or be a little brat.

  I licked the last trace of my orgasm off his boots, and he grinned at me, looking prouder than ever.

  “Good girl,” he said, kissing my shaking lips and groaning when he tasted the mix of our juices on my mouth. “Such a good little girl for Daddy.”



  I wetted my lips, leaning back in the wide, high-backed leather chair in my office. Kicking my feet up on the desk, I frowned, deep in thought.

  Somewhere deeper in the house, I could hear Emily walking around, the clatter of her high heels making my lips turn in a slight sneer. With every day that Lily spent under this roof, I found myself despising Emily more. It was a skill I had long imagined myself a master of.

  Reaching for the tumbler of whiskey on the table, I sloshed the golden liquid tentatively around in the glass a few times before taking a sip. It went down smooth and fast, burning just right in my throat. I hadn’t drank since… well, since. It was one of many rediscovered firsts that I found myself enjoying, even while my irritation with Emily rose almost as if to counteract it.

  My fingers thrummed on the armrest in a steady rhythm, a physical representation of the stirred, nervous energy within me. Every second I wasn’t down in the basement with Lily was one that felt wasted. Every moment that I couldn’t lavish her with attention seeming to be spent frivolously.

  Patience, I reminded myself tiredly, setting the glass down.

  The days when I’d had to stay away from her had gone past torturously slowly, hours dragging like years. Yet I felt more alive when I had to wait for her to learn than I had in the last years.

  My eyes tracked the outlines of her smile on the pictures plastered on the wall, some put up there repeatedly, taken from her Instagram feed, or Facebook, or other means of careless social media. The image that she painted of herself to the world was one of a spoiled brat, a young woman who thought her worth was defined by the purses she owned and the clothes she wore. I doubted she’d ever really considered that there could be anything else about her worth showing or thinking about.

  The question of how she had gotten that way had never crossed my mind. Was it even important?

  Probably not, I thought, practically scoffing as I found myself reaching for the whiskey again.

  This time, I downed the remainder of it, letting it scorch down my throat and take my troubled thoughts with me.

  Besides, it was evident enough to me what had made her like this. Not just too much money and a lack of any discernible structure in her life, but eager confirmation from the world around her that she was the best version of herself that she could be. She’d never had a man in her life who told her how to be better, how to be a good little girl.

  She’d never had a Daddy.

  I had been looking for someone like her for so long. It still sent a tingle down my spine, thinking of the lengths I had to go to in order to have her.

  Checking the time on my phone, I stood up, tucking the smartphone away in my back pocket, next to the keys to the cellar. It was a set of three, one for the bathroom, one for the cell, and then the last one for the cellar itself, which was left unlocked.

  I stood up, the telltale sounds of Emily’s high heels making a beeline for the office smoothing away whatever positive thoughts that had been brewing within me. She had a way of doing that, ruining even the anticipation of seeing my little pet. We met at the doorway to my office, catching her when she was just raising her hand to knock, opening the door before she could.

  Emily’s cold, regal face twisted in an awkward smile. She had her hair down this time, platinum blonde, and she wore a Hermes scarf that probably cost more than the monthly salary of most people.

  “Greeting me at the door, how nice of you,” she cooed, batting her lashes in a manner that had become all too familiar to me now.

  I said nothing in response, pushing past her and pulling the door shut behind me. Walking toward the kitchen, I didn’t bother acknowledging her with more than a grunt, prompting her to get on with whatever it was that she’d come to me for.

  She had a tendency of seeking me out at the worst times. Like she could somehow sense when I wanted to see her the least, which truthfully was just about always.

  “You could at least listen when I have something to tell you,” she said with an annoyed sigh as I stocked up the tray I used to take food down to Lily on.

  “We discussed this. After she arrives, I need a few weeks with her before anything else can happen.”

  “It’s been a week,” Emily said, a certain note of annoyance tinting her words now.

  A trait she was not alone in possessing.

  “I am not done,” I retorted.

  Truthfully, I wasn’t sure if I’d ever be done with Lily, but I was more than certain that there wasn’t a thing in the world that Emily could spring upon me now that she was here that would distract me from my babygirl. Though the woman had made it more than evident that she was determined to use whatever power she had over me now that the object of my affections had finally been made mine.

  “I understand that,” Emily said, her tone almost placating now. “Is it going well? Is she being a good girl?” Emily asked, no mockery in her words, but my grip on the plate I was grabbing from the freezer still tightened.

  I didn’t want anyone talking about her, least of all Emily. Taking a breath that came out more like a growl than anything else, I pulled the food out, set it on the tray and closed the fridge. She leaned against the counter expectantly, a simper on her face. I still couldn’t believe she was enjoying this as much as she was.

  I’d thought it insane when I approached her the first time about Lily, figuring she would call me a pervert and a monster and a fucking beast. Instead, she’d welcomed me with open arms.

  Sometimes I had to wonder who the real monster in this sham of a marriage really was.

  “It is none of your business, Emily,” I said calmly, flicking her a look that should have shut her up once and for all.

  The brazen bitch cocked a fucking brow at me.

  “I think you should know that it is,” she said, jutting her chin out and crossing her arms over her chest. “She is always going to be my business.”

  I could feel myself snapping before my brain caught up with it. The next thing I knew, my hand was curled around her long neck, pushing her back so her back arched over the countertop. Her eyes, blue, went wide in her head, reminding me of a more callous version of my babygirl. It was almost enough to make me stop.

  “She will never again be your business, Emily,” I seethed, squeezing.

  Her hands, with her tastefully manicured French-tipped fingers, clutched at my outstretched arm, but she didn’t claw at me. If anything, she was way too fucking calm about this whole thing. Her breaths came in ragged heaves as I waited, her lips parting.

  She couldn’t say anything, but I wanted to see the realization in her eyes, the knowing that she’d fucked up and that she wasn’t allowed to do so again. It never came.

  When her lips started turning blue from the lack of oxygen, I let go, feeling like I’d just dropped a dead fish. She breathed in a few times, shallow and wheezing, and hunched over slightly, trying to gather herself. Other than her body being ravaged, it looked like she had barely noticed what I did to her.

  The woman must have had ice in her veins.

  I grabbed the tray and turned to leave, blood boiling in my veins. I knew I couldn’t go to Lily like this. She didn’t deserve to be punished for my foul mood.

  “Careful, Lawson. Or she’ll end up just like the last one,” Emily hissed from behind me.

  Looking over my shoulder, I saw the glare she gave me, vicious and decisive. Any sane man would have counted his blessings to be putting distance between himself and a woman with so much obvious wrath within her.

  I considered whether I should go back and finish t
he job. I’d done worse things to better people.

  “We had an agreement, Emily. I expect you to stick to your part, and I will stick to mine,” I told her coldly, a sneer plastered on my lips.

  She simply straightened up, her neck blotched where I held her. For once, she had the decency not to say a fucking thing about it.



  The cellar was making me feel more and more claustrophobic as the days passed. It felt like the walls were starting to close in on me, holding me captive and suffocating me as if someone had wrapped their fingers around my throat and choked me.

  Law had been downstairs every day, sometimes even more than once. He’d brought me some clothes as well, a simple dress that was too short to be modest. He hadn’t brought me any underwear to go with it, and I knew better than to argue with him about it.

  I was getting antsy, not only because I wanted to leave the cellar, but because Law hadn’t made a move to fuck me yet. After realizing he wasn’t going to ask for ransom for me, I figured that was the main reason he’d taken me, and I struggled to understand why the hell he didn’t just get on with it.

  Especially for the last few times he’d come downstairs, I’d been needy and snippy with him, which resulted in several welts decorating my ass. Law had barely touched me other than that, aside from stroking my hair or cupping my cheek, and it was driving me up the wall.

  So I came up with a plan.

  The next time he would come down, I’d be ready for him. I’d play him the way he played me, push him so much he would do anything to get off. And then I’d ask for him to let me go.

  I ignored the nagging thought in the back of my mind telling me I wasn’t even sure whether I really wanted to leave anymore.

  The moment I heard the key turning in the lock, I was on my knees. My gaze was trained on the floor like I'd been taught, and when I heard the sounds of his approaching footsteps, I crawled closer to his feet. My ass was up in the air, swaying from left to right as I glided across the floor toward Law.