Daddy's Girl Read online

Page 7

  The band was playing something dull and slow and people were starting to head to the dance floor. Emily at least was wise enough not to even try and suggest that. There wasn’t enough whiskey in the damn building to make me pretend like I wanted to hold her close to me when all I could really think about was my sweet little Lily, all alone back at the house.

  “Are we about done here, Emily?” I asked her in a lowered voice as she came to a stop in the middle of the banquet hall, clearly looking for someone.

  “No,” she snapped at me shortly, not giving me even half a glance.

  A growl rumbled in my chest but I silenced it. At home, being a haughty little bitch like that would have earned her a quick smack, but out here, she knew I couldn’t touch her. Reminded me of someone else I know, playing the situation for her benefit…

  “Oh, there they are,” Emily said with a relieved sigh, pointing out a tall, broad-shouldered, middle-aged man and a petite, Asian-American woman out to me at the other end of the room.

  I didn’t need to ask who they were. Julie and Kent Ronson. The reason why we had to come to this shindig of human filth.

  “Julie! Kent!” Emily greeted as we made our way over to them, with Emily sharing a lingering hug with Julie.

  I shook hands with Kent as we introduced ourselves to one another. He had a firm handshake. It didn’t surprise me. It didn’t take much for one wolf to recognize another, though I doubted our methods were anything alike.

  Julie looked at Emily as if she was seeing a vision, like the best thing that had ever happened to her had just walked up to her. I had to clear my throat to keep from chuckling. Poor little Julie. She had no idea what she had gotten herself into.

  Emily seemed to forget all about Julie, who sidled back up to her husband as Emily’s attention snapped to Kent.

  “I’m so glad to see both of you here! It’s been such a bore, hasn’t it, honey?” she asked, throwing a fleeting look my way.

  I nodded curtly.

  “It’s about what you’d expect from these events, isn’t it?” Kent commented, his words coming out in a slow, tortured drawl.

  “I think they’ve done well with the decorations,” Julie chimed in.

  I could feel myself spacing out, having fulfilled my role of resident chaperone. I motioned to a passing waiter to get me a refill on my whiskey and as he sped off to go get it for me, it felt like the only immediate ray of hope I had to look forward to.

  I was itching to ditch this place and go back to my babygirl. My cock throbbed in my pants as I thought of her, the image of her spread out for me, begging for my cock coming to my mind way too fucking easily.

  So eager, so innocent, so ready… And all mine.

  Emily’s high-pitched laughter shook me out of my thoughts for a moment. I had to join in on the laughter, not knowing what we were laughing about, but sure I wouldn’t have found it funny at the best of times. Sometimes, it still stunned me to know the lengths Emily would go to just to get her way.

  The day I’d found Lily’s picture looking back at me on that website, I’d wondered who’d put a gorgeous little creature like her up for auction. It was a virgin auction site, the seediest of them all, and girls like Lily didn’t end up in places like that.

  They were sold at private auctions, attended by people like Kent and Edward, to be seen in flesh and poked and prodded before their new owners would decide to shell out what amounted to pocket change for the lives of innocent young women. I knew then that I couldn’t afford her… and that I had to have her.

  Tracking down who put her up on the site hadn’t been too hard. Fuchsia, the call name of the person who had submitted her information, was an old pro in the business, having bought and sold virgins for at least a decade, if not more. I’d been expecting a chain-smoking aged reprobate behind a floral name like that.

  Instead, I’d found Emily.

  She’d gleefully explained to me how she’d put up Lily’s information to find the right kind of buyer. Not the richest buyer, not the best buyer, but the right buyer. Someone who would be willing to negotiate, who could keep secrets… who had no morals.

  Lo and behold, that man was me.

  The fact that she was selling her own daughter didn’t apparently change a fucking thing for Emily.

  It had been years since I’d considered getting a girl for myself. The last time I got attached to someone was still too painful of a memory, but I knew I had to have Lily. After meeting her mother, that conviction only grew stronger. I knew that if I didn’t get her, the guy Emily would find for her would ruin everything good about my little babygirl and only leave the bad.

  Only leave the parts that had to have come from her bitch of a mother. The parts I was determined to get rid of.

  I couldn’t afford her then, not with money, which was what Emily had been banking on. So we made a different arrangement and there I was now, stuck in a sea of penguins, pretending like I belonged.

  Since marrying Emily, things had changed. Knowing that Lily would eventually be mine, I’d built a legitimate business, needing to pour my energy into something while I waited for her. Construction was an easy enough business to crack, run mostly by people whose motivations I understood. My bank account was fat as fuck, but it had only been a distraction until I could get my hands on Lily.

  Now that I had her, nothing really mattered. Least of all Emily, whose roof we were still living under. A predicament I’d have to see about fixing… As soon as Lily was well and truly broken in.

  My mind drifted happily to all the ways I’d teach my babygirl to behave, how I could take care of her and love her like no one else ever had or would. My drink arrived just in time and I swapped my empty glass for a full one, taking a long swig and letting it burn down my throat.

  Every now and then, I’d have to nod or agree with Emily as we ‘conversed’ with the Ronsons, but thankfully no one expected me to be an active part of that conversation. I didn’t need that kind of bullshit. I knew why we were here – so Emily could make an appearance with the right kind of people, including Kent, and Julie as a mandatory side-dish – and all I could do was to suffer through it.

  The end of the night couldn’t come soon enough. I needed to get back to my Lily.

  Now that I’d had her tight pussy, being away from her felt like the definition of insanity. And I had plenty of that without any fucking help.



  The memories of him taking my virginity were still fresh in my mind, and my pussy ached pleasantly as I drifted off to sleep. I slid two fingers between my legs and felt the swollen lips of my cunt.

  When Lawson came to me that night, it was definitely late. I'd been sleeping, wrapped up in the blanket he'd let me have the last time he was down in the cellar.

  I woke up when someone lay on the mattress with me, my body tightening and going rigid with fear when another body joined mine.

  "Shhh, babygirl, it's okay," a warm, rough voice muttered into my ear, and I relaxed into Law's arms.

  He'd never slept down here with me before, and he hadn't used the mattress unless he was fucking me. I could smell alcohol on his breath as he held me close. Not unpleasant, but definitely there.

  A sudden urge to be closer to him prompted me to crawl into his arms and my lips found his in the darkness of the cellar. I kissed him softly, my lips molding against his and parting gently as an invitation. Lawson laughed and it made me reconsider what I was doing.

  "You kiss like you're still a virgin," he groaned against my mouth.

  He took my face in his hands and kissed me raw and deep, strong, capable arms pulling me on top of him. I obliged, swinging my legs over his body until I was straddling him.

  "Is your little pussy still wet?" he muttered against my tits, and I arched my back in response. "I bet it is, babygirl."

  To make sure he was right, he slipped a finger between my legs, finding me so wet it was embarrassing. It made him chuckle, and he brought his hand ba
ck to his lips and gave his fingers a long lick.

  I hadn’t stopped thinking about what we’d done the last time he was here with me for a second.

  "I'll never get tired of the taste of you, baby," he told me gently, sucking his fingers dry from my juices.

  It made me moan, and I rubbed my pussy on his pants, needy for more. Law settled his hands on my hips, and when he looked into my eyes, it felt like he was staring into my soul. I couldn't look away, my eyes trained on his as I moved my hips across his lap gently, like I was just playing a game with him.

  "You're a little tease tonight," Law told me in a low voice, and I leaned down, my hair falling around us like a curtain shielding us from the outside world.

  I kissed him again, pressing my naked tits and cunt against his clothes and breathing soft, moaning breaths into his mouth. His fingers dug into my sides and he groaned. I could feel him growing harder, throbbing with need, right under my pussy lips.

  I remembered how his cock had entered me the day before, hard and cruel and oh so delicious. I licked his lips.

  "Are you going to spend the night with me?"

  The question slipped from my lips before I could stop it. I didn’t like how needy I sounded.

  I needed to get a grip on myself.

  He groaned and gently slid me off his lap, saying, "I can't, babygirl. I need to sleep upstairs."


  I was aware of the whiny tone in my voice, and I think Law was, too. He unbuttoned his shirt and got up from the mattress, turning on the lamp that hung above us. I could see then that he was wearing dress clothes, like he'd just been out at an event or something. The knowledge bothered me, and knowing he had a life outside of this cellar, unlike me, upset me.

  I shrank into the corner, crossing my arms in front of my body pointedly, but he didn't even look at me as he stumbled across the room. He bumped into the chair and cursed out loud.

  "Are you okay?" I asked, too worried about him to remember my anger. "Did you have too much to drink?"

  "I'm fine," he replied roughly, making me shrink back.

  Law looked at me over his shoulder and sighed, running his fingers through his dark brown hair, which was slicked back that day.

  "I'm sorry, sweetheart," he told me. "Just been a long day, is all. Daddy's feeling a little stressed."

  I sat on my knees on the mattress, in a perfect position for him to take advantage of me. I was naked, and my nipples were getting hard under his watchful gaze.

  "Can I do anything," I started. "To make Daddy feel better?"

  Who was I and when had I become this? But I couldn’t have stopped myself if I tried.

  He gave me an affectionate smile, coming over to smooth my hair. His fingers lingered on my lips, and he grabbed my neck thoughtfully a moment later, lazily tightening his fingers around my throat.

  "Such an obedient little girl," he muttered, then leaned down and kissed me one more time.

  When he got up, the keys I'd seen last time were on the floor.

  I gave him a panicked look, but Law didn't seem to notice. My heart was pounding so loudly I was sure he could hear it, but he merely turned around and turned off the light in the room.

  "Get back to sleep, babygirl," he told me softly. "I'll see you tomorrow. We should both get some rest, it's been a long fucking day."

  I lay back in the bed like I was on autopilot. The memory of the keys on the floor haunted me as Law left up the stairs and out of the room. He lingered in the doorway and I wondered whether he remembered his keys, but in the next second, he closed the door and the lock clicked into place. I figured the door locked itself when you closed it.

  I lay there with my heart pounding for the next hour. I couldn't even move, my body frozen up with fear and my mind wondering what I should do with Lawson's forgotten keys.

  If I really were the good girl he thought I was, I would've saved them for the next time he came downstairs, giving them to him along with my free will.

  But something awoke inside of me as I lay on that mattress. I couldn't give up just like that, could I?

  Here was my chance to escape. Wasn’t that what I’d been waiting for?

  My hands shook badly as I reached for the keys, feeling the cold metal of them between my fingertips. I got off the mattress and walked toward the exit on shaky legs, my whole body trembling. And then I stopped abruptly.

  What if this was all a test?

  What if Law just wanted to see if I would try to escape, given the chance? What if I was going to get punished for this?

  I already knew I would, if I didn't manage to get away. I knew he'd hurt me badly for trying to leave him. So I had to make it work, I had to run as fast as I could, move as quietly as possible, and get the fuck out of there.

  In a haze, I put the key in the door and prayed it would unlock from the inside.

  It did.

  The door swung open and I stared at the stairs in front of me, unable to comprehend my freedom.

  I was completely naked, and the stairs in front of me were dark and scary. I never thought escaping a madman would be this hard.

  I half-crawled, half-walked up the stairs, my body shaking as I got to the top. A simple wooden door separated me from the outside world, from the confines of my prison. My hand shook as I reached for the knob and turned it to open the door.

  Light engulfed me as I swung the door open. I looked around, bewildered as hell as my eyes adjusted to the brilliant light.

  A kitchen, white marble and light wood, beautiful in its simplicity. No one had ever cooked here, with pristine pots and pans hanging above the counter and a bowl of untouched fruit sitting front and center on the bar.

  I knew this kitchen.

  A low, strangled cry ripped itself from my lips the moment my eyes connected with the woman standing at the counter, pouring herself a drink.

  "Mommy?" I asked in a shaky voice.

  She finished pouring herself the drink, not even giving me a glance. She put away the bottle while I shook in the doorway of the prison, and drank down the amber liquid while giving me a thoughtful look. She set down the glass on the marble counter with a clank and sighed.

  "What are you doing, stupid girl?"

  I tried walking up to her, forgetting about my nakedness as I stumbled into her arms. I started sobbing then, really fucking sobbing, low and desperate noises escaping me as I wet my mother's expensive dress with my tears.

  She stood, unmoving, as I ruined her outfit. She didn't even put a hand on my exposed back to comfort me.

  "Lily," she told me coolly. "Get the fuck back down there."

  I moved away from her, sniffling and giving her a confused look through the tears clouding my vision.


  "Into the cellar," she repeated slowly.

  I just stared at her, unable to understand what this meant, and she laughed gently, smoothing my hair down.

  "Silly girl," she said. "You haven't learned anything, have you?"

  I bit back a sob as she advanced on me. I felt like I was being hunted, and the only way to escape was to retreat back. I took a step away from her, back toward my prison.

  "You like him, don't you?" my mother asked me pointedly. "You have it good, girl. It could be so much worse, I hope you know that. He's good to you, and you're falling for him."

  I shook my head wildly and she merely laughed, an awful, throaty sound.

  "Don't lie to yourself, Lily."

  I took another step back as she advanced on me, feeling myself standing in the doorway that lead down into the cellar.

  "Just stop being such a fucking brat."

  Her attitude changed, and she was pissed now, spitting the words at me.

  "Get the fuck back down there."

  I didn't move, and she took another angry step forward, almost making me stumble.

  "Now, Lily."

  I was frozen to the spot.

  She sighed and with the flick of her fingers, she pushed me down
the stairs.

  It felt like I was still falling when I dropped at the bottom of the stairs like a stone. I looked up, my body bruised and hurting as my mother stood at the top of the stairs, illuminated by the light of the kitchen no one in our family ever used.

  "Be a good girl, Lily," she told me, and she slammed the door shut.

  This time I heard another lock clicking into place, and I crawled into a corner of the stairwell, curling up into a little ball.

  There were no tears this time, only memories.

  I remembered my father, how good he was to me and how my mother had always accused me of being a daddy's girl. I remembered how he'd stood up for me when mom was being especially vicious, how he'd defended me from her any chance he got.

  But there was no daddy to stand up for me now - I was on my own. And as hard as I'd tried to escape my mother, it seemed like she was still the one in charge. Now, during the darkest time of my life, a part of me wasn’t even surprised to find out that she had something to do with it.

  Another memory surged to the surface.

  An image of my father, tired and sick, as he descended a flight of stairs from our family kitchen.

  I'd never had that memory before, and my eyes widened as it crystallized in my mind then and there. It made my heart pound with fear, and the image kept replaying itself in my mind over and over again. Dad going down the stairs, throwing one last look, one last smile at me over his shoulder.

  "Daddy," I cried out, even though I knew no one would hear me, no one would fucking care. "Help me, please."

  That was when the tears really started to come.



  The cane felt heavy in my hand as I unlocked the door, finding Lily curled up on the mattress.

  “Stand up, Lily,” I told her, letting the door slowly fall shut behind me.

  The keys were back in my pocket. Emily had held onto them for the night, waiting until the next morning to tell me what had happened between her and her daughter. The thought of Lily having to go through that alone twisted me up inside, but I couldn’t focus on that.