Daddy's Girl Read online

Page 9

  I obeyed with shaky fingers, moaning as I pushed the plug deeper inside my body. Law moved away from me and I looked up at him, pathetic tears running down my cheeks because this wasn't nearly enough to get me off, my pussy screaming for attention between my shaking thighs.

  "You're so fucking beautiful," Law muttered to himself. "Jesus, Lily."

  He unzipped his pants excruciatingly slowly and brought out his cock. I whimpered at the sight of it, trying desperately to get him to fuck me as he started to play with it. He pumped his fist over his length, fast and hard and greedy, as he looked at me.

  I shut my eyes tightly, feeling the hotness spreading from my pussy throughout my whole body. It was insane, and the sensations of having my ass filled completed with my pussy burning up was almost too much too take. I was constantly on the verge of cumming, but nothing fucking pushed me over the edge.

  By the time I managed to open my eyes again, Law's cock was throbbing so hard the tip was almost purple. He let out a guttural growl and moved toward me.

  The moment he pushed his throbbing, veiny cock inside my dripping wetness felt like insanity, the relief so great I screamed for Daddy over and over again. I came the moment his cock was inside me, begging and cursing and pleading for more.

  He didn't fuck me like a caring Daddy. He fucked me like a damn beast, claiming my pussy with every thrust of his powerful hips. I never stopped cumming, not even when his fingers joined mine to push the plug deeper. He reduced me to a whimpering, sobbing and pathetic little mess that only knew three words.

  "Please, Daddy, more."

  He leaked his cum inside my pussy and cursed when he did. I knew he didn't mean to finish so fast but I felt oddly proud in my delirium at having made him cum like that. He pulled out of me and I felt the trickle of his cum down my pussy lips.

  "Stay down," he ordered me roughly. "Ass up, face down, babygirl."

  He moved away from me and I blinked the tears of pure bliss and pain away as he stood back to look at me. I was a mess, I was sure of it, and yet neither of us seemed to care.

  "Jesus, you are beautiful," he muttered to himself, repeating what he’d said before. "Next time, I'm taking pictures."

  Despite knowing that this was twisted and weird, I’d never felt so beautiful than when he said that.

  His cock was still throbbing, still fucking hard, and I wasn't even sure whether I could take him looking at me like this, let alone touching me with those hands of his.

  My lips parted and I begged, "Please, Daddy. More..."



  “Law, is that you?” Emily called as I stepped in through the front door, shrugging off my jacket.

  I didn’t respond. It had been a long day, checking up on some of the construction sites after neglecting them for weeks, and I was in no mood to deal with her bullshit. That being said, I was never in a mood for it, but that wasn’t something I had much of a choice in currently.

  Something to be fixed, I thought, walking through the house and making a beeline for the door leading to the cellar.

  Lily had been acting strange since our little caning session and I was determined to find out what the fuck that was about. If it provided a way to circumvent whatever conversation Emily wanted to have, that’d be all the better.

  “Lawson,” she huffed, just as my hand was hovering over the door handle.

  “What?” I asked, my tone betraying how on edge I was as I turned around to face her.

  She was looking at me with an arched brow, her arms crossed over her chest. She was the perfect picture of high-class suburbanite condemnation, in her silk blouse and high heels. I couldn’t imagine a woman less appealing at the moment.

  “I just wanted to tell you that we’ll be having a dinner soon. And I’ll need Lily there, so you should prepare her to go out in public,” Emily said coyly, tilting her head to the side. “I assume that won’t be a problem?”

  “Where the fuck do you want to take her?”

  “Not her alone. Both of you. We’re having a little soirée and I want you both to be there. Details to follow!”

  She grinned at me and turned to leave, as if she’d told me something as common as what our dinner plans were going to be. I grabbed her by the shoulder and roughly spun her around to face me before she could get a step in. Gasping, she pushed her hands against my chest, but I put distance between us as soon as she did that. I didn’t want her hands on me.

  The only hands that were supposed to be on me were Lily’s.

  “You’re going to tell me what the hell you’re planning, Emily,” I ground out.

  She tried to give me the look again, but I wasn’t having any of it. Rolling her eyes, she sighed dramatically, reminding me too much of the Lily I’d seen posting her Facebook Lives all over her page. Full of herself, entirely certain the world owed her… but in Lily’s case, I knew that was a front to hide insecurities.

  With Emily, I was sure it was the real deal. What you saw was what you got.

  “We’re invited to a dinner. You, me, and Lily.”

  “How does anyone know she’s even in town?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

  “I told them, of course,” Emily said with a grin. “Don’t be ridiculous! She’s my daughter, my only child! Of course I want to show her off.”

  “She’s not yours anymore,” I said, feeling rage rising in me.

  This was not good. Things were never fucking good with Emily, but I knew for certain that she was planning something now. Something I wouldn’t like, and that had very little to do with her motherly love for her daughter.

  “She’ll always be mine,” Emily said coolly, her lips pressed into a thin line. “Haven’t you had enough fun with her already? Aren’t you getting bored yet? I can find you something new, something much more fun… Another virgin, maybe? Plenty of blue-eyed blondes with daddy issues running around… just your type.”

  My hands balled into fists at my sides and it took everything I had to keep from snapping her neck right then and there.

  “I’ll never be ‘done’ with her.”

  “You’re going to have to be,” Emily murmured, and I felt like the ground beneath my feet shifted slightly. “We’re having dinner with Kent and Julie. And you’ll both be there, or I swear I’ll take her away from you so fast that the only thing you’ll see is jail bars sliding into place in front of your face.”

  Emily sneered, clearly reading my reaction for what it was. My fists were balled up so tight my knuckles were turning white.

  “You’ll be on your best behavior, and she will be on her best behavior. You’ll make sure of that. I know you will. It’s your job, after all.”

  Emily turned to leave again, likely satisfied with her handiwork, when my hand reached out on its own volition and grabbed her thick mane of blonde hair. I pulled her back, making her fly against the nearest wall with her shoulder taking the brunt of the hit.

  I didn’t make a habit of hurting women like that, in fact I fucking despised it, but Emily wasn’t even human-adjacent for me at that point. She was just… evil. And I knew evil.

  Before she could slip away, I grabbed her bruised shoulder with one hand and pushed her against that wall again.

  “You’re going to do no such fucking thing,” I told her, seething with anger.

  “Try me, Lawson,” she cooed, her flawless veneer of disinterest back in place though that shoulder had to hurt like hell. “You don’t think I have contingencies in place for you acting like a fucking fool? You’ll do as I say or you’ll both pay, and I’ll make sure that it’s Lily who will be remembering it for the rest of her life.”

  We stared at one another, locked in our mutual dislike for one another. I’d always looked at her as a means to an ends and it was only now dawning on me how much both her daughter and our arrangement was the same for her. I don’t know why, but I guess a part of me had still assumed she cared a little about her daughter…

  Though handing her over to the
likes of me probably went against that assumption on every level.

  I knew one thing, though. I was a bad man, but I was nowhere near as bad as Kent Ronson could be. And there was no fucking way he was going to lay a hand on my babygirl.

  I let Emily go reluctantly, taking a step back. She straightened herself, smoothing back her hair like she’d just been brushed by an annoying wisp of wind and nothing more. As much as I wanted to wring her neck, I had to believe her. Emily was exactly the kind of woman to have fallbacks in place for ensuring that she got what she wanted.

  All I could do was to make sure that I could keep Lily as safe as possible. And that meant being around to protect her.

  I went for the cellar door and pulled it open, passing through without a look Emily’s way.

  When the door fell shut behind me, I heard the last words she deemed necessary to share with me: “You didn’t think you were going to get to keep her, did you?” followed by laughter.



  I stomped down the stairs, sounding like a platoon was storming the house, not just one man. Teeming with anger, it was all I could do not to go upstairs and finish what I started with Emily.

  It took conscious effort to unclench my fisted hand. The muscles felt as if they had hardened into place, tight and sinewy, waiting to be unleashed on something or someone. When I came to the door leading into Lily’s cell, I had to stop and breathe.

  I must have stood there for ten minutes, my mind a red, angry blank, trying to bring myself down from that high of rage. When I unlocked the door, I felt like every breath out of me no longer came as steam and aggravation, but just barely.

  “Lily, come here,” I said, finding her sitting on the mattress, idly plaiting her hair.

  She’d need a new shower soon. I’d made her filthy the last time I was here, and my cock twitched with the thought of having her wrapped around it again. But I couldn’t take my anger out on her. I had intended to break her, but not like that.

  Taking a seat on the lone chair in the room, I patted a spot on my thigh when she looked up at me, blue eyes showing her confusion.

  “Did I do something wrong, Daddy?” she asked me, and it made my heart ache for a moment.

  “No,” I said, the word coming out gruffer than I intended. “I mean… no, you didn’t. Come here, babygirl, get on my lap.”

  I practically sighed as I said that, motioning her forward. She perked up, showing me a slight smile as she scrambled up. She hesitated for a moment, like she was expecting me to tell her to get on her hands and knees and crawl. Any other time, I just might have.

  She’s learned well, I thought.

  I didn’t say anything, letting her figure out her boundaries for herself. When she settled on being brave, she quickly crossed the scant few feet between us and gingerly sat down on my lap. I curled an arm around her waist and pulled her in tighter, grabbing her legs with the other and pulling them across my wide thighs as well.

  I wanted to have her close, to feel like she couldn’t be removed from me, damned how anyone tried.

  Her scent was sweet, but it was different from how it had been the first time I’d breathed her in. It wasn’t the conditions she was kept in or anything to do with that.

  The air around her was different. Though she obviously had no space to make up her mind about her life like she used to when living alone away from her mother, it almost felt like she was more confident somehow. It was familiar, in a bittersweet way.

  “Is your ass still in pain, Lily?” I asked her.

  “No,” she said, shaking her head. “Well, a little… but it’s not bad.”

  She bit her lower lip and I chuckled, her eyes lighting up with a smile as well. I kept feeling like she was waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I couldn’t be angry with her now. Her punishment had ended and ironically, mine felt like it was only about to begin.

  “Are you telling me you want more?”

  She shook her head, but it came out a little too slow, like she was thinking about it. I already knew she had a penchant for pain. Many of the girls I’d had had shared that trait. Maybe I was just good at bringing it out.

  “Don’t you lie to me, babygirl,” I said sternly.

  She looked down sharply, her fingers ceasing playing with the hem of my shirt for a moment.

  “Maybe,” she all but whispered.

  I kissed her on the temple and chuckled.

  “That’s better.”

  We sat in silence for a while, the kind that I was loathe to break. It felt like the only time I was really in my head was when I was around her now, and every time I left the cell the world would do its fucking best to screw me, and by proxy her, over. Though truthfully the world could mostly be condensed down to mommy dearest at this point.

  “Is everything alright, Daddy?”

  I had to consider that. The only honest answer was no, but I couldn’t really tell her that.

  “It is what it is,” I said with a shrug, hating the fact that I almost sounded resigned to it.

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  I grinned. Looking at my little pet, thinking she could fix the problems I had created for us.

  The fact that she dared, and wanted, to ask meant a lot to me, though. I brushed her hair back, the untied plait falling loose over her shoulder. My thumb lingered on her soft cheek, moving slowly to her lips, and I caught the way her breath hitched as she waited for me to keep going.

  I was getting hard, like I always did around her, but this was not the time.

  “Not this time, babygirl,” I murmured.

  She wasn’t satisfied with that answer, her brow furrowing slightly.

  “Maybe if you talk about it…” she started, trailing off.

  I pulled a hand through my hair, considering my options here. On the one hand, she was my prisoner, my pet and my toy. On the other hand, her wicked witch of a mother was doing her best to make our combined future as uncertain as she could, and a part of me felt that Lily had the right to know.

  “Have you understood how all of this happened?” I asked her.

  She returned my gaze, dumbfounded, shaking her head. I guess she was as surprised that I was bringing this up as I was.

  “Your mother sold you to me, Lily. Or to be exact, she traded you for my services.”

  “Your… services?” Lily asked, her face ashen now and the lovely pink blush of her cheeks that I’d come to enjoy so much completely gone now.

  “Yes, my services,” I confirmed. “I’m a bad man, Lily, and I think I don’t have to explain this to you. I’ve been a bad man for a long time, but when I saw your picture, I knew I had to have you… and that you’d be my last one.”

  “Your last one?”

  “The last girl I’d break in… the last woman I wanted,” I told her candidly. “I couldn’t afford to buy you outright, and I think your mother never intended to just trade you for money. She needed someone to do her bidding, someone to give her legitimacy as a… well, as a person, and as a businesswoman.

  “I’ve done this for a living, taken pretty little things like you and made them ready for people worse than I am, for a long time. You mother’s been selling people as sex slaves, Lily, but she’s never managed to really break into the business. With me by her side, married to her, it gave her clout that she couldn’t get any other way.”

  Lily listened to me, transfixed, shock and horror mixing with sadness on her face. It hadn’t been lost on me that she and her mother had never had a real relationship, but Emily was still Lily’s parent. Someone that was supposed to look out for her, or at the very least set an example as a person. Emily had failed at both, but I knew Lily had no idea how badly she’d done so.

  “She gave you to me in exchange for me being with her and lending my name to her enterprise, but I don’t think she’s done selling you, babygirl.”

  My insides twisted when I said that. Lily’s eyes brimmed with tears almost immediately and I grabb
ed her tight, pushing her head to my shoulder before the first strangled whimper escaped between her lips. I guess though she’d run into her mother during her failed escape attempt, the severity of Emily’s betrayal hadn’t sunk in yet.

  Well, it had now, and I felt like the monster I was for letting this happen to her. But she needed to know the truth if worst came to worst and Emily managed to do something that I couldn’t protect her from.

  “W-why?” she asked through quiet sobs, looking up at me.

  I shrugged my shoulders, feeling oddly defeated. If someone had told me a year ago that I’d let anyone have as much power over me as Emily did right now, I would have punched them in the fucking mouth. I guess it was poetic in a way, trapped by both the mother and the daughter, and in such completely opposite ways.

  I kissed the top of her head now.

  “That’s what monsters do,” I said. “They wreak havoc.”

  I wasn’t sure whether I was talking about myself or Emily at this point. If the shoe fits…

  “I need you to know that I’ll do whatever I can to make sure that we stay together. That she doesn’t do a thing to you.”

  Lily nodded tentatively, and I smiled.

  “That’s a good girl. I’ll bring you some nicer things soon. I think you deserve them.”

  That got a small smile out of her, but I knew it wasn’t because I’d promised her something nice. It was just because I was showing her a bit of kindness, a grace that I hadn’t revealed to her until now. All I wanted was to make her feel good, the focus in my head having sharply shifted from my personal satisfaction to hers.

  “Thank you, Daddy,” she said with a sigh, wiping tears from her cheek as she collapsed against my shoulder again.

  I rubbed her arms, keeping her close. I never wanted to leave this cell. It had never felt like a prison to me, though it must have to her. For me, it was more of a sanctuary than anything else.

  Somewhere to hide away from the fucking mess I’d created. But that couldn’t last. I had to get in control of this before it went too far, and I didn’t have a lot of time with which to do it.