Teach Me Daddy Page 9
Was everything okay? Had something happened to her? Had her prick of a father raised his hand against her again?
My grip tightened around the steering wheel and my nostrils flared, a frown that seemed to be carved into my face deepening further as I ran through the worst case scenarios. Cora had an uncanny ability of making me think the worst possible thing was about to happen to her.
Probably because it was. Her paths had crossed with the likes of me, so luck wasn’t exactly on her side. Add in her severely questionable father, and I didn’t have high expectations for fate keeping her safe.
So I had to in its stead.
I parked the car at the closest parking lot to the park, incidentally being the furthest one from her house, and hit the dirt roads of the park. With my hands shoved in the pockets of my worn, black jeans, I tried to keep from running, but my strides were long and fast. I wanted to get there as soon as I could.
When the bench came into view, I breathed out an audible sigh of relief. She was there, looking around tentatively, in all her understated beauty. I relaxed immediately, my shoulders slumping slightly.
“Cora,” I said as I came up behind her.
“Madd-… I mean, Daddy,” she gasped, turning to look at me.
I smiled to myself as she followed my path to sit next to her, making room for me on the bench. I kept a gap between us, even if every part of me wanted to just grab her and pull her on my lap, to ask what was wrong and to promise to make it all better.
“What’s wrong, little thing?” I asked her, catching the way she was shuffling around in the seat.
Her ass must have still hurt from the spanking. It would only get worse before it got better. She finally found a way to sit with her legs underneath her that allowed her to stop wriggling around, even though I thought it was incredibly adorable when she did it.
“Having trouble sitting still, sweetheart?” I asked, my tone sugary sweet.
She gave me a look and I chuckled, shaking my head.
“Don’t glare at me. You brought it on yourself. You’ll know better next time, won’t you?”
With an understated sigh, and a smile, she nodded, but offered me no further explanation. She seemed tongue-tied.
“Come on, tell Daddy what’s wrong,” I told her, my tone harsher now.
I was worried. And I hated waiting.
“I just… I needed to get out of the house,” she stammered.
I stretched my arm out on the back of the bench, allowing me to brush my fingertips lightly against her arm and shoulder. The motion came far too naturally to me. Like it was the most normal thing.
“Did someone do something to you? One of your dad’s friends?”
I studied her face, looking for any bruises, any places where she’d laid on the make-up thicker than usual. Her last bruise was gone now, but she’d worn a lot more make-up while it healed. The kids in her class probably didn’t notice, but I did. And it still made my blood boil.
She shook her head, but she took too long to do it. I was almost off the bench when she grabbed me by my jacket, trying to stop me.
“I’ll fucking kill them,” I growled.
“Daddy, no,” she gasped, pulling me back. “Don’t. I don’t want you to… No, it’s fine, it really is. It’s nothing new, I just felt so suffocated by them this time. They’re talking about me like I’m… some sort of a posession or something. I was just uncomfortable… and I wanted to see you.”
I paused for a moment, but finally sat back down. This time, I threw my arm around her and pulled her against me, finding Cora more than eager to cuddle into the crook of my arm.
That was another thing that wasn’t supposed to happen. We weren’t supposed to get close. I wasn’t supposed to care, not about her or her little problems. And yet I did, so much it tore me up inside to think that she’d have to go back to that house alone and face whatever drunken bullshit would be spewed by her dad and his redneck friends.
I kissed the top of her head and breathed in her scent, perfectly content with this moment of pure affection. The thought of fucking her was the furthest thing from my mind, for once, even though it had been at the forefront of everything I did for weeks now.
“It’s going to get better,” I promised her. “You’ll get out of this town, you’ll get a better future, and you won’t have to deal with men who aren’t good enough for you.”
She glanced up at me, a question in her eyes that was clear enough. She wondered if I thought I counted in that particular subset of men – not good enough for her. And I did, but I wasn’t going to tell her that, if for no other reason than because she would just argue with me.
That was the beauty of young love. It was unquestioning. I should have been smart enough to not let it go this far, but apparently Cora was enough to make me regress back into the teenage idiot that I’d once been, thinking of better futures and happy endings.
“It feels like it’ll never happen,” she sighed, throwing her arm over my stomach.
Her fingers traipsed over the hem of the leather jacket and then beneath it, until her palm was lying flat on my ridged stomach. I squeezed her closer to me, apparently more than willing to take part in a little bit of wishful thinking. I knew this couldn’t last. There was no way. There were too many fucking reasons why this couldn’t make sense, and our age difference was the least of them.
But it was a nice fantasy while it lasted.
“It will,” I told her. “It has to. You’re a fighter, and you’ll get exactly what you need. Don’t let anyone stop you.”
Anyone like me, I added in my mind, slicking my tongue over my teeth.
She hadn’t been the first young, impressionable woman to be curled up to me like that, looking up at me as if I were the solution to all her problems. But she was the first one I hadn’t wanted to lie to, the only one that I didn’t want to just corrupt, devour and then get tired of.
She was… special, in the best of ways.
We sat there for a while that wasn’t nearly long enough. When I checked my watch after aimless banter, which was mostly just to fill the air around us instead of make any sort of sense out of anything – it was way past midnight.
“You’re going to have to go home now, little thing,” I told her, kissing the top of her head gently. “It’s a school ngiht and I hear your English teacher is a stickler for being on time.”
She giggled at that, but just snuggled closer to me. I couldn’t help but tighten my grip on her too, loving the way she was cuddled up to me. Even if it couldn’t last, even if it was all makebelieve.
“I’ll drive you to your street. And I’ll make sure you get home safe, okay? If anything happens, if anyone does something to you… You promise you’ll text me or call me right away, won’t you, sweetheart?”
She glanced away from me for a moment, her green eyes betraying guilt. I frowned, but didn’t push her on it – what she wanted to share with me was her choice.
“I will, Daddy,” she promised.
I wanted to kiss her, but I didn’t. That’s not what she’d come to me for that night. She’d come searching for support, and I couldn’t promise that it would be the only thing I’d give if I got a taste of her on my lips again.
We hadn't spent any time together since I'd been at his apartment a week or so ago. All I could think about was Maddox. He'd invaded my thoughts like he wanted to conquer them, and I had trouble focusing. All day long, I thought about him. Not just the way he touched my pussy, my tits, but the way he touched my soul, too.
I would sit in class and fantasize about him, unable to hold a coherent thought. My teachers were beginning to notice too, and I did badly on two tests I had that week. I was embarrassed and ashamed, but I couldn't stop my mind from spinning, thinking about him, wanting him. I couldn't stay separated from my Daddy for much longer.
I knew my teachers were worried about me after Mrs. Danvers, our biology teacher, called m
e aside.
I'd never been a wiz at the subject, but she expressed her concern after I dropped a full two grades on my last test. She wanted to know if something was wrong, why I was having trouble focusing. She asked me if anything was wrong at home and I carefully avoided the question. But she still furrowed her brows and said she hoped I'd get my grades back up soon. College applications were happening soon, after all, and I couldn't risk another bad grade like the one I'd just gotten.
That day, I had Maddox's class last, and I walked into the room with my eyes hopeful and waiting for him. He was already in the room, and his eyes glazed over me as I took my usual seat. I placed my books on the desk and looked at him expectantly, my pen poised in my hand. I was ready for the lesson. At least I still paid attention in his class... Even though it wasn't really to the words he was saying.
It was more to the sound of his voice, the curve of his lips, the way he practically pounded the chalkboard when he wrote on it. His tie was messy again that day, and I longed to fix the knot for him. It was something so simple but so intimate at the same time.
The class passed too quickly, and when the bell rang for the end of the schoolday, everyone rushed out of the room. I packed my things slowly on purpose, wanting to catch another moment alone with Maddox. When I was finally done placing everything in my backpack, I looked up to find only the two of us left in the classroom.
"Cora," he said roughly, his arms crossed in front of his body.
I bit my bottom lip, nervous and so overwhelmed by the way he'd said my name.
"Yes?" I asked softly.
"Sit down," he told me, and I did as I was told, placing my backpack on the floor and sitting back down at my desk.
Maddox rounded his desk and came to the front, leaning back against it, his arms still crossed. His eyes were cross, and they had me worried. Surely I hadn't done anything wrong this time. I'd only texted him a few times, doing my best to leave him alone. If he didn't want me, that was okay. But I knew he did.
I saw the way he acted around me, how hard he had to fight the urge to look at me during class. I wanted him to finally stop resisting. I wanted him to give in.
"We need to talk," he told me simply. "You've been getting worse grades than usual, Cora."
"What?" I asked, then my head finally cleared. "Who told you about that?"
Did he really want to talk about the tests I'd done that week? Why did he even care?
"Teachers talk, Cora," he shrugged. "I'm worried about you. You told me you want to get out of this town. So why aren't you working harder on your grades?"
"I am," I said in a small voice, but he groaned instead of agreeing.
"Bullshit," he said. "You're distracted. In my classes, too. What the fuck is going on?"
"Nothing," I told him angrily. "Absolutely nothing is going on."
"Is it something at home?" he pressed me further. "If it's something to do with Alexander, you have to tell me. I can deal with it."
"Everything's fine," I replied in a clipped tone, and Maddox slid off his desk when I said it, hitting the desk with his fist. I jumped in my seat.
"Don't lie to me, little thing," Maddox told me, his voice low and threatening. "You know I hate it when you lie. Just tell me the truth. Did he try something again?"
"No," I bit out. "He didn't. And that's not the problem, anyway."
"Then what is?" he demanded, coming to stand in front of my desk.
I was angry then, rage boiling under my skin because he was acting like he didn't know. As if it wasn't just as difficult for him.
"Nothing," I lied again.
Maddox's fists shook, and suddenly, he grabbed me by my blouse and pulled me to my feet. I cried out when he did it, stumbling toward him when he pressed me so close to his body I could feel his erection pressing up against my tummy. He groaned and I let out a soft mewl.
"Please," I whispered. "Don't torture me like this."
"Tell me why you're not focusing on your classes, Cora," he demanded.
One of his hands found its way into my hair and he pulled my head back, hard. His other hand lingered over his crotch and I gasped when his fingers outlined the shape of his long, thick cock.
"I swear to fucking god," he went on. "If that prick tried to hurt you again, I'm going to cut his balls off."
"He didn't," I cried out. "It's not that, can't you see? How can you be so stupid?"
He pulled my hair back harder and I moaned. It felt so good and so wrong at the same time.
"What is it then?" he demanded again. "Fucking tell me, Cora!"
"Fine!" I cried out. "I'll fucking tell you, if you're too damn blind to notice it yourself!"
His eyes widened as hot tears ran down my cheeks.
"It's you," I whispered, feeling completely defeated and humiliated. "You're just... You're fucking ignoring me. Like nothing ever happened between us, like I don't mean anything at all to you, and I hate it! How can you not care about me at all?"
I looked into his eyes through the tears clouding my vision, and he stared me down.
"Don't you want to touch me?" I whispered. "Don't you want to kiss me? Feel me?"
His grip on my hair tightened and he was stroking his cock now, his hand gliding fast and hard over the swelling in his pants. He groaned out loud.
"Don't you want to make love to me?" I begged. "Or fuck me... Whatever you want... I just want to have you inside me."
"Fucking shit," he cursed, pulling me closer. His mouth lingered dangerously close to my mouth and I breathed a sigh against his lips, making him curse again.
"I want you," I whispered. "I want you to be my first, Daddy."
The silence in the classroom was deafening. With today's classes over, the school had cleared out and we were completely alone. No one would interrupt us. We could do anything. He could take advantage of me, and I wouldn't even care. I wanted him to take me. I wanted him to take my virginity.
"I can't take that from you," he said softly, but his hand was still on his cock. "I can't fuck you, little thing."
I wriggled against him, pressing my hot body against his and he groaned again.
"Please," I begged. "I want your cock to be the first and last inside me... I want you to split me open. I want your cock to open me up. I want my pussy to be the perfect fit for your cock, and your cock only, Daddy, please..."
I could see the internal battle going on inside his head. I wanted him to just take me already, I needed it so badly. But he was hesitating.
So I placed my fingers on his hand, tentatively at first but getting braver by the second. I squeezed his hand gently, and he groaned as I moved it away from his crotch and to my own body. I pressed it against my neck, leading him to squeeze his fingers around my throat.
"Be my first, Daddy," I begged him again. "Make me yours..."
It was like watching a dam break. He struggled against his own will and that of his body, struggled so hard his body shook as he gripped my neck in his grasp, squeezing it so hard I rolled my eyes back.
"Yes, Daddy," I barely managed to get out. "Just like that, Daddy, please!"
His mouth descended upon my neck, hot and needy as he sucked on my throat. He was laying claim to me, he was leaving marks. I wanted him to leave them all over my body. I would wear them with pride, knowing I only belonged to him. No one else would get to touch me from then on. I was Daddy's girl through and through.
"Open your mouth, little thing," he groaned, and I did it eagerly, as wide as I possibly could.
He moved away to look inside me, hooking the fingers of one hand and stretching me wider.
With a groan, he spit into my mouth.
I stared at him in shock, and the moan that escaped my lips was low and sensual. He grabbed my throat again and dragged his tongue over my lips, daring between them and kissing me deeply. He took my mouth and claimed it, his hands wrapped tightly around my throat as he showed me I really belonged to him completely.
I stumbled backwards
and he whipped me around and pressed me against his desk, my ass hitting the wood. Then, he grabbed ahold of my legs and made me sit on the desk, and I wrapped my hands around his neck needily. His mouth was still on mine and I could barely breathe, fitting his tongue inside my hole as best as I could.
He parted my legs and my skirt rode up. We both looked down at the wet spot on my panties, and then Maddox pulled my head back again.
"You're sure?" he asked me hoarsely and I nodded over and over again, begging him to do it, go through with it, finally make me into a woman.
"Aren't you... gonna take my clothes off?" I asked needily, and he gave me a wicked grin.
With a single motion of his fingers, he tore my panties off me and I gasped when the cool air hit my drenched cunt.
"Daddy!" I cried out, but he wasn't done just yet.
My blouse followed next, and he ripped it off, the buttons flying everywhere. I didn't even have time to worry about how I'd get home with my clothes ruined, or much less how I'd explain it to Alexander. I was too consumed by the lust and the absolute need to have him inside me.
Maddox's eyes followed mine, and he drank in my pussy hungrily.
"You shaved," he said roughly.
"You told me to," I reminded him.
His fingers slipped over my pussy and he caressed my folds, making me moan out loud.
"I wanted to do it," he admitted.
I thought back to the evening I did it, with Alexander walking in on me and catching me. I wanted him to do it as well. Even that would be less humiliating than being caught by my stepfather.
Maddox's fingers probed between my lips and I gasped when he peeled back the lips of my pussy with two fingers, exposing my cunt to his eyes.
"I'm going to fucking ruin you," he muttered. "You should run while you can."
With those words out of his lips, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in until his hard crotch was pressed up against my wetness.
He helped me out of my bra, my tits bouncing free and his eyes following them hungrily. He leaned down and sucked a nipple into his mouth, and I threw my head back, overtaken by the ecstasy of having his mouth on me. He bit down on my nipple and I cried out when his teeth sank into my skin. He didn't give a hell though, he only bit and sucked harder.