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- Isabella Starling
Teach Me Daddy Page 2
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Page 2
“Forget about it,” Alex replied with a grin, standing up and coming to shake my hand.
His shake was firm and he patted me on the shoulder as he turned to introduce me to the rest of the crowd. There was no one I knew, or no one I wanted to know.
“Guys, this is Maddox Jacobson, we go way back. Went to high school together and the poor bastard’s moved to our town now.”
He rattled off the names of the other jackasses at the table and showed me a seat.
“Mad Dog?” the guy to my right asked as I was getting dealt in.
He’d been introduced as Randall, but considering how no one at the table had managed to keep a straight face at that, it didn’t take much to deduce that he’d be one of your classic Randys.
“Don’t ask,” I said, checking my cards.
“Long story,” Alexander confirmed. “Cora, get Maddox a beer.”
He basically barked the order, so short and sharp that I saw how Cora jumped slightly at it. She glanced over her shoulder from the cooler, her gaze flickering between me and her father, and nodded meekly. It looked like she was used to being ordered around, but the way she reacted made me wonder just what lengths he’d go to with her.
Girls with loving relationships with their father didn’t twitch when their father spoke to them, basically.
She got up and brought me a can. The conversation went on around the table without anyone but me, Alex and Cora being aware of the slight tension. The bottle was about to be placed down when Alex made a sound that made Cora look up, those pretty, green eyes of her showing what I could only interpret as worry and maybe a tiny bit of fear.
It made my blood boil. No one, least of all her father, should scare her. He was supposed to protect her, not terrify her.
“Yes?” she asked with a small voice.
“Open it up for him. What, are you stupid?” Alex scoffed.
My hand rolled into a fist on my knee and my jaw clenched.
“If she’s your daughter, you can’t really blame her,” one of the other guys at the table remarked, bringing with it a round of chuckles.
Alex gave the man a dangerous look, but I caught the moment he willed himself to take the joke and roll with it. It was like a switch flipped and his expression smoothed out into a grin.
Cora opened the can for me and she couldn’t back away from the table fast enough. I saw the way she looked at me again as she tried to make a break for the door, hoping that she was excused, and I wasn’t the only one.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Randy called, slurring his words slightly as he kicked back the rest of his beer and slammed the empty bottle on the table.
“Get one for Randy,” Alex barked, leaning back in the chair.
“Okay,” Cora said, but she kept sneaking glances at me when she was told to refresh the beers of most of the table.
“That’s what I’ve always said matters,” Alex started as the game continued. “You gotta raise them right from the beginning. Obedient.”
He was met with a murmur of agreement.
Cora was passing by Alex when he was saying that, trying to deliver some snacks for the table, when Alex reached out and grabbed her. He pulled her on his lap and she gasped, almost dropping the plate. More laughter from the group, and more shamed discomfort from Cora. I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to last through this fucking game if they kept treating her like that. The desire to break a few noses was too fucking great.
“Please, dad, I need to get ready for school tomorrow,” Cora said in barely a whisper, trying to wiggle off his lap.
She shot me a look, as if hoping I hadn’t noticed what was going on.
“You know, Alex, I think she doesn’t want to sit on your lap. I think she wants to cuddle up on our new guest’s instead,” Randy mocked with a grin, looking at me and then back at Cora and Alex.
“Is that so?” Alex asked in a tentative tone, squeezing his arm around Cora’s waist. “I thought I raised you right, but I guess your mother managed to fuck you up faster than I thought. She was always ready to suck the first cock she could see, too. What, are you fucking wet for my friend, Cora? Go to him, then.”
Alex shoved her off his lap and Cora stumbled to the middle of the room.
There were nervous chuckles around the table but all I could see was the sheer mortification on Cora’s face. She stood there, like a deer in the headlights for a moment, before bolting for the door and running upstairs. An echo of laughter followed her.
“Guess you’re gonna have to hope for better luck next time,” Randy commented, looking at me.
“Guess so,” I huffed in response, playing along with their stupidity.
I waited about a minute, as much to calm myself down so I wouldn’t flip this fucking table and get into a fistfight with a room full of yokels as to dilute why I was actually doing it, before excusing myself.
“Need to take a leak,” I said, with Alex giving me loose directions to the bathroom.
Instead, I pulled the kitchen door closed behind me and headed up the stairs. It didn’t take long until Cora’s sobbing took me to her room. I pushed open the door and stepped into a sanctuary that didn’t look anything like the rest of the house,
It was pink. All pink. With fluffy pillows, a lacey bedspread, dolls and stuffed animals on the shelves, it looked like a room for a five-year-old, not an eighteen-year-old young woman.
And in the middle of it all was my Cora, tears trickling down her cheeks, curled up on a small recliner under the window, hugging a teddy bear to her chest. Her legs were pulled up under her and she was holding onto the toy tightly. She stopped mid-sob as she saw me, jumping up from the chair with her back to the window.
“You shouldn’t be here!” she gasped, her eyes flickering between me and the door I was closing behind me.
“I must have gotten lost,” I said noncommittally, making sure the door clicked into place behind me.
The last thing I needed was Alexander or any of his dumbass friends to come and find us.
“You should leave,” she said then, jutting her chin out and trying to stand firm.
I ignored her, taking a thoughtful second look at her room. The wallpaper up from the mid-split had ponies on it, and the lower half was a light, pinkish violet. It was slightly faded, like it had been up for a long time.
“It’s been like that since I was a kid,” Cora explained, as if needing to justify her room to me.
“I thought you wanted me to leave,” I said, looking at her.
She opened her mouth as if to say something, but thought better of it. She looked down at her bare feet, her knees poking out from under her dress. She scrunched her toes, the teddy bear still against her chest, the blush I’d seen before returning to her cheeks.
I guess she wanted me to stay instead.
“My dad would get angry if he found you here.”
“That’s not what I asked. Do you want me to leave?”
She bit her lip and I swear to god, it was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. I knew she was a virgin, which only added to her appeal, but what really pulled me to her was the juxtaposition of overstated innocence and the very obvious tendrils of lust that tore through her, confusing her and turning me on.
I’d seen the way she looked at me, longing and hungry even though she knew she wasn’t supposed to be, and that was the most delicious thing of all.
I’d come up to her room to make sure she was okay, maybe even apologize for what the rest of the pricks, along with her father, had said to her, but now I found myself entirely uninterested in any apologies.
Then, she shook her head slightly and I knew I was already in too deep. I crossed the distance between us and came to stand right in front of her. I could almost smell the need on her. Her chest rose and fell faster and she glanced up at me, green eyes full of questions and anticipation.
“I think they were right about what they said downstairs.”
“What do you mean?” she asked
, her mouth clearly dry.
“I think you did want to sit on my lap. I think you want to do a whole lot more than just sit on my lap, little thing.”
She blushed scarlet, dropping the bear. It bounced off the toe of my boot. Wordlessly, she tried slipping past me, but I stood firm so she just pushed herself against me harder. I slipped an arm around her, backing her against the windowsill and then pushing her up to sit on it.
“Maddox,” she gasped as I spread her legs around my thighs.
“No,” I said sharply. “That’s not what you call me. Try again.”
Cora looked up at me and bit her lip again, squirming a little. I could barely keep from kissing her right then and there. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d wanted someone as badly as I wanted her right then and there.
That was definitely not part of the plan.
“D-… Daddy?” she asked tentatively.
“That’s it. Now, tell me what you wanted to say.”
It wasn’t a request. Her pale thighs were spread around me, her dress hiking up just enough for me to admire her inner thighs. An inch more and… I glanced past her, looking out of the window. The guys’ cars were parked outside, the street wasn’t too busy, but anyone could notice us.
I didn’t care.
“I… nothing,” Cora said, embarrassment dotting her neck with red splotches.
“I don’t like guessing, Cora,” I said, my voice deadpan. “I expect you to be a good little girl. Do you understand that?”
She nodded a little too eagerly. My cock was rock hard.
“So let’s try it again. What do you want?”
“I don’t know.”
But I did.
I put one hand on her thigh, my rough palm sliding up her soft skin. She let out a little shriek as I started dragging the fabric of her dress upward and she tried to pull it down with both hands. I stopped for a moment, the tattoos that stopped just at my wrist looking so alien next to her unmarred skin.
“Show me,” I told her. She didn’t budge. “Show Daddy.”
That was the magic word. Tentatively, she let go of the hem and looked away as I hiked her dress up. I could hardly stifle the groan as her bare, uncovered pussy came into view. Small, red curls covered the lips, untrimmed and wild. She squeezed her eyes shut.
“Look down, Cora,” I told her, fighting to keep my voice level. “Look at yourself.”
She did, gnawing on her plump lower lip. My thumb rubbed the crease between her pussy lips and thigh, making slow circles that matched the rhythm of her breathing, her breath hitching every time I came close to the slit.
“Be honest with me. Are you wet for me?”
She let out an embarrassed mewl and it was all I could do not to unzip and fuck her right then and there. There was no way in hell she wasn’t soaked for me, I could see the glistening of her juices on her pink, untouched pussy.
She shook her head, the little liar.
“I want you to touch yourself for me, prove you’re not wet for me.”
She looked up at me and it was then that I was sure that there wasn’t going to be any innocence left in her by the time I was through with her. And that it was exactly what she needed.
He wanted me to touch myself.
My cheeks were burning up from the intensity of his gaze. Maddox looked at me expectantly, his dark blue eyes clouded over with lust and need. Slowly, so slowly I was barely moving, I slid my hand down to my stomach.
"That's a good girl," he groaned. "A bit lower. Come on, Cora."
My fingers shook as I slid them down my tummy, over my belly button and down my bare legs. My inner thighs were tingling and burning up with the need to be touched, but he'd taken both his hands off me. All I had left was my own touch, and it wasn't nearly enough to satisfy me.
"Touch me," I begged him in the softest of voices, looking up at him. "I want you to touch me, please."
"Not yet," he told me. "Maybe when you've proven to me you're worthy of my touch, sweetheart."
I mewled and my hand slid further between my legs until it was an inch away from my pussy. I felt his eyes on the tendrils of red hair covering my pussy, and it made me tingle. I wanted his fingers there, too. Fingers and mouth and god... his cock, too. I wanted his cock touching my pussy lips, so wet for him they were almost dripping.
I wanted to tell him I wouldn't do it. I wanted to stand up for myself. What was the point of checking if I was wet? His clouded eyes could tell I was, my pussy was practically glistening. But it was turning me on so much, just having him stare at me like that without ever laying a finger on my skin. And I wanted more.
"I'm scared," I whispered.
"What are you scared of?" he asked me. His big hand went up to my face, and he smoothed the waves of hair from my cheek when I looked down. "Don't look the fuck away from me, Cora. I want to fucking see you. I want to see that redness in your cheeks and that little smile you save just for Daddy."
I giggled and he pushed my head back so I had to look at him.
"Go on," he said roughly, his voice quiet. "Touch your fucking pussy for Daddy, Cora."
I looked into his eyes as my fingers wandered between my legs. I touched the soft triangle of hair between and gasped, wanting to move my hand away. But Maddox stopped me, gently but firmly laying his hand on mine and guiding it back in place.
He wasn't touching me anywhere except for the top of my hand, and I wanted so much fucking more. I gasped as he pressed my hand against my pussy, toying with my fingers and making me outline the lips.
"Is that nice?" he asked me. "Do your dirty little fingers feel good on that sweet cunt, baby girl?"
"Yes," I gasped.
"Yes, what?" he growled.
"Yes... Daddy." I swallowed hard, my gaze still on his as he played with me.
My heart was pounding and there was a pressure building up inside me. A warmth and a tingling sensation that was worrying me. I was so scared of him, but I wouldn't make him stop.
I didn't want to. I needed him to do this to me.
"Good girl," he cooed, massaging my lips with pressure on my fingers. "That feels nice, doesn't it?"
"Yes, so good, Daddy." I let out a small moan, my mouth opening just so. I bit my bottom lip, knowing I needed to stay quiet so no one heard me. My dad and the rest of his poker buddies were right downstairs, and I couldn't risk any of them coming up here and walking in on us.
"Now tell me you’re wet," Maddox said darkly, and I cringed.
"N-no," I bit out.
"No?" he chuckled. "So you're telling me..." His fingers guided mine to open my pussy lips and I gasped at the intrusion. The cool air of the room hit my exposed clit and I moaned so softly I could barely hear it. "You're telling me that pink little cunt isn't fucking dripping for me?"
"No," I whispered, my eyes fluttering closed.
"No," he mocked me. "Look down at your pussy, Cora."
I looked away, but he grabbed my chin with his free hand and guided me to look down between my legs.
"Look at that soaked little cunt," he whispered in my ear, his lips brushing my skin and sending a shiver down my back. "Look how wet it is. Are you going to keep lying to me, sweetheart?"
I bit back a reply and looked at myself. I was a mess, my pussy so swollen the untouched lips looked puffy and red. The curls of red hairs were damp, and my pussy glistened when he moved our fingers across it.
"Lie to me," Maddox told me, and I bit my lip. "Tell me you're not fucking wet."
"I'm not wet," I whispered.
"Tell me your little pussy isn't begging to be touched," he said next, and I shivered. "Tell me you don't want Daddy to part those lips and suck your sweet clit into his mouth."
He pulled my hand away, off my center, and I gasped when he suddenly brought it up to his lips. My heart was pounding out of my chest as he looked into my eyes, his tongue darting between his lips and licking my fingers, o
ne by one. He licked my wetness from my hand and he groaned when he tasted me on his tongue.
"You taste really fucking sweet, sweetheart," he groaned. "Do you want a taste?"
I twisted my hand uncomfortably and he laughed at my hesitation. "Maybe not today. I’ll just keep it… you to myself."
He went back to work on my fingers, sucking my middle one in his mouth and looking at me as he sucked it clean. I could feel the wetness now. I was so soaked I could feel a drop of it running down my inner thigh. Maddox noticed it too.
He groaned and scooped it up with my finger, bringing it to his lips again.
"Make me taste you," he told me roughly, and I tentatively slipped my finger between his lips. He sucked harder this time, biting down on my finger as I filled his mouth with it.
"Please," I whispered. "Daddy, please more."
He groaned and his grip on my wrist tightened. There was a new intensity to him, a ferocity with which he looked at me that caught me off-guard. He looked like he was holding back. I couldn't handle it anymore, and words started rolling off my tongue so easily now that I was this needy.
"Please, please," I begged him. "Put your fingers inside my pussy, Daddy. Fuck me. Fuck me wide open, Daddy, please..."
He pushed me away roughly, taking a step back. I gasped, my naked legs and pussy feeling exposed as he ran a hand through his dark hair and cursed out loud. I was half-gasping, half-moaning for breath as he looked at me, his eyes dark as a storm and his hands forming fists at his sides.
"Please," I repeated one last time, surprising myself for how pathetic I sounded. "Daddy, please."
He looked away from me and took another step back. His fingers went to his temples and he pressed down on the tender skin there, his forehead furrowed and his expression angry as hell. I had no idea what I'd done wrong, but it was obvious Maddox was very, very upset with me.
"I'm sorry," I choked out, feeling lost. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."
He advanced on me then, pouncing on me as I pulled my dress back down and clambered off the windowsill. With a growl, he pushed the cotton up higher until my pussy was exposed again, and grabbed my naked ass. He lifted me back on the windowsill and my butt smacked against the wood when he pushed me backwards, my back hitting the glass.