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- Isabella Starling
Teach Me Daddy Page 3
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Page 3
"Daddy!" I cried out, and he slapped my thighs apart, making me wrap them around his waist.
His fingers were around my throat, heavy and rough against the tender skin of my neck. He was choking me, not too hard but with enough pressure to make me gasp and make my heart race.
"Don't hurt me," I cried out. "Don't hurt me, please."
"Not going to," he growled, and then his lips were on mine.
All I could think about was his tongue in my mouth. His fucking thick, wet tongue forcing its way between my lips and claiming my mouth like he'd ripped a flower straight from its roots, ripping the petals off one by one. I moaned into his mouth, needy and hot little sounds making me blush darkly as he fucked my mouth with his tongue.
This man had stolen my first kiss from me, and he wasn't gentle about it. His tongue probed into my mouth and claimed it, and he groaned nasty, dirty little things against my lips as he did so.
"Fucking shit," he growled. "Such a sweet little mouth, little thing, such a hot little hole for Daddy's tongue."
I was going crazy, my hips bucking against his and my mouth repeating the name he wanted to be called over and over again. It set him off and he dug his fingers into my throat. It was such a rough kiss, his hands around my throat and my legs around his waist, our tongues intertwined like it was the end of the fucking world. I'd never felt like that, never known the want - no, the absolute need - to have someone closer.
I opened my legs wider and begged.
"Please, Daddy," I told him fervently. "Fuck my pussy with your fingers..."
His kiss cut me off and I melted into his touch.
"Please fuck me," I whispered. "Please, Daddy, now, please, I need you..."
He pulled away, holding me at an arm's length with his fingers still wrapped around my throat and me mewling, moaning and gasping for more.
"Please," I said one last time, my voice small and pathetic.
"Jesus," he groaned.
His hand slipped down my neck, down my chest and over my belly. He stopped before reaching my pussy, thinking for a second and then pulling his hand away.
I'd never felt angrier than in that moment. I wanted him on me, his mouth exploring mine, his fingers taking away my breath and his cock pounding inside me. But no such luck.
He turned around and walked toward the door and I shrieked as quietly as I possibly could when I realized he was leaving.
"No!" I hissed at him. "You don't get to leave."
I slipped from the windowsill and ran after him. I grabbed a teddy bear from my bed and threw it at him with all my might, only to have him catch it in mid-air and give me a self-satisfied smirk.
"Goodnight, Cora," he said.
And then he opened the door of my bedroom and left me alone in my room, my pussy tingling and the imprint of his fingers across my throat.
I grabbed hold of the bedframe before falling over, my body collapsing on the pink sheets. I lay down and curled up into a small ball, pulling the bedspread over myself while my mind raced with thoughts and questions, so many questions.
So that had been my first kiss. It was nothing like I'd imagined it to be. It was so, so much more.
The memory of his hand on my throat and his tongue in my mouth made me want to scream. I grabbed an overstuffed, lumpy pillow from my bed and held it over my face, and then I screamed all of my frustration into it. I screamed and screamed and the fabric took it all in, so barely a peep came out of me. Once I was done, I punched the pillow for good measure.
I promised myself I'd make sure to see Maddox again.
He couldn't just kiss me like that and then leave. He couldn't do this to me. He couldn't leave me wanting more.
I would've gone downstairs to argue with him, to scream at him, but I was too scared of my dad. I couldn't even bear to think about him finding out what Maddox and I had done. He'd fucking flay him alive and then kill me, too. It would have to be my secret.
I bit my lip and tried to make myself think about something else, but it was impossible. Maddox had taken over my brain, my heart, and my throbbing pussy.
I fell asleep an hour later with the light on and my fingers twisted between my legs, glistening with my wetness.
I woke up bright and early the next morning. I'd barely gotten any sleep, having spent all night thinking about what had happened that evening.
I could still feel his touch, could still remember the way Maddox's hands had wandered over my skin and my panties, leaving me tingling in their wake. I'd been incredibly turned on, and at the same time, awfully embarrassed about the wetness between my legs. As his finger pressed down on my clit, I thought I would die from the built-up pressure in my pussy.
I wondered when I'd see him again.
I got ready, taking out my uniform from the closet. I'd carefully ironed it the previous day, and as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I decided I looked good. My skirt was too short, of course, due to my recent growth spurt, but at least I had a new blouse to go with it.
I had to ask dad to buy me a new one last minute, after discovering all the ones from last year strained uncomfortably over my chest. It was embarrassing, and I didn't want to think about the cringe-inducing moment when I had to explain to dad why the blouses didn't fit anymore.
I did my makeup the way I'd wanted to do it the previous night. I'd practiced my eyeliner skills all summer long, so I added some to my mascara and accompanied it with a little bit of gloss. It was simple and understated, but really brought out my eyes.
Back when I still had my mom, she always used to say they were my best feature. I smiled at the memory of her brushing my hair and telling me what a pretty little girl I was.
My books went into the backpack and then I was ready.
Dad always had to be at work early, which meant I had to walk to school since I didn't have a car. It was a long damn walk too, forty-five minutes in either direction.
But I was okay with it. It gave me some time to get ready for school every day and be alone with my thoughts, and I enjoyed that. I set off on my journey, taking a red apple from the counter in the kitchen and biting into it as I left the house.
The morning was crisp but pleasant, and the last late summer rays of sun heated my back as I trekked to school. I scarfed down my apple, my mind wandering back to last night.
I'd never seen Maddox before.
Over the years, I'd gotten to know most of my dad's friends, especially the ones who came to play poker on the weekends. But not him.
He must've been new, maybe to town as well, since I'd never seen him before. I guess my dad saying as much to his friends should have confirmed that, but I’d learned to question what he said at times.
My hands formed small fists at my sides as I walked, thinking about Maddox. Just remembering what he'd done to me the previous night was making me want him again.
I'd never been with a guy.
Fuck, I hadn't even kissed anyone before him.
This was new to me, and it was daunting. I wished I had more experience, something to impress Maddox with. But that was that - I was just a virgin, an ugly duckling who never even got any attention in school. I was always the outcast, the girl who sat alone during class and ate lunch by herself, sometimes, embarrassingly, even with the teachers, because they were the only ones who would like my company.
I was a straight A student. It didn’t hurt that I liked hanging out with people older than I was – I always felt like I had more in common with my teachers than the kids I went to class with. I always made sure that my grades were above par, because I knew it was the only way for me to get out of this shitty town.
I depended on the scholarship I'd applied for a year ago, and I'd worked my whole life to get it. Kept my grades up, and my reputation stellar.
I didn't have extracurricular activities - my dad wanted me home early, so I couldn't really do anything after school. But I'd won a writing contest last year, and my s
hort story was published in the town's newspaper and on their website. It was my proudest accomplishment to date.
That meant I was in the advanced English class at school, something I was immensely proud of. There were only fifteen of us in the class, with several students joining it from other schools. And the best part was, we were getting a new teacher this year.
Ms. Franco, who had taught the class last year, had gone off to pursue new adventures.
The whole school knew this actually meant she ran off with the principal's husband. They were having an affair, and the whole thing blew up last year.
I was happy to get a new teacher, though. The rumors I'd heard over the summer suggested it was someone from a prestigious university. Why anyone would choose to leave a job at a great school to come and work in our small town was beyond me, but I wasn't going to complain about it.
As I walked to school, I wondered who the new teacher might be. I hoped she would be pleasant to work with - I needed a letter of recommendation to go with my scholarship application, and I was hoping to get it from the new teacher. I usually got along well with teachers, and I hoped that would be the case again this year.
I was nearing the school, the forty-five minutes flying by as I walked up the steps that lead onto the school's property. There were several groups of kids already waiting around, and it made me shy to pass by them.
I didn't really have a friend I could hang out with during school hours. I never had one, I'd always been a bit of a loner. It wasn't necessarily bad since I wasn't getting bullied or anything. It was more like I was completely invisible.
The only people to notice me were teachers, because I was always on time with my assignments, and prided myself on doing my best in every quiz and question asked of me in class.
I'd been called a nerd a couple of times, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I was okay with a few names being thrown my way if it meant I could go through the school unseen otherwise. Some of the kids in my class got bullied badly, and I didn't want to become one of them.
But this time, as I walked up to the grounds, something was definitely different.
I felt several pairs of eyes on me, following me around as I made my way to the main building. This had never happened before, and it was making me feel self-conscious.
I fussed with my skirt, pulling it down a little and making sure my socks hadn't rolled down all the way to my ankles. I was so aware of every sound I nearly yelped when someone came up to me.
"Hey, sexy."
The voice was deep and young. It was a voice I knew.
I looked up at the guy who'd come to talk to me.
Jake Mills, a quarterback at my school, who'd only deigned me with his presence once before, when he had begged for my notes for an English class we were both in.
I knew he'd gotten into AP English as well, which never ceased to amaze me. I was sure it was because his parents had pulled some strings, because as far as I knew, his essays and assignments weren't graded very high, and the teachers didn't seem to like him, either.
"Hey," I said shyly, trying to move out of his way.
What was I doing? God, he was probably talking to someone else, anyway. Maybe there was a girl standing behind me or something.
"Hey, I'm talking to you," he said. His hand wrapped around my forearm and he jerked me back. It made me feel uneasy.
"What is it?" I asked him, trying to ignore the slight tremble in my voice. "I... I don't know what you want."
"Relax, sexy," Jake grinned at me. His fingers trailed a line down my forearm, leaving goosebumps in their wake before he finally let go of me. "Just wanted to see what you were up to. New this year, are you?"
I gave him an incredulous look, saying, "Jake, it's me."
He gave me a blank stare and I went on.
"Cora Lockhart. I've been your classmate for the past four years. We took English together."
He still looked like he had no idea what I was talking about, so I sighed before saying, "You copied my answers from that history test last spring? We both got As, remember?"
"Oh fuck, yes," he grinned. "I remember now. I had no idea what you were talking about for a minute there. Cora, huh?" He gave me a long look, appraising my appearance. "Well, haven't you grown up, little Cora Lockhart."
I blushed hearing his words. I never liked being called little. Sure, I was petite, but that didn't mean I liked to be reminded of it every minute of every day.
That is, unless Maddox was doing it… It almost felt like he had ownership of that word now.
"Anyway," I said nervously. "I should probably get to class. Don't want to be late on my first day, you know."
"What's the rush?" Jake asked with a big, toothy grin.
He was handsome, very handsome. But I never felt attracted to him like the other girls in my class did. I just didn't feel any chemistry between the two of us, and I still had no idea why he even wanted to talk to me.
"Class is starting in five minutes," I reminded him with a smile. "I just don't want to be late."
"What's your first period?" he asked conversationally as I started walking toward the school again.
I gave him a surprised look, shocked that he hadn't given up on me just yet. I was convinced he wanted to borrow something from me, but so far, he hadn't asked for anything just yet.
"I'm taking AP English," I explained. "There's supposedly a new teacher. I'm excited to meet him today. I need to ace this class and get a good recommendation letter from him - or her. I don't even know who it is."
"AP English?" Jake repeated with a big grin, disregarding everything I'd said after that.
I nodded. By then, we'd reached the school and were walking down the hallway. The crowd parted for us - something that had never happened for me. Usually I had to fight my way through the halls, unnoticed and ignored by everyone.
"I'm taking that too," Jake told me, sounding important. "My mom got me in, even though I wasn't supposed to make it."
"And that's something you brag about?" I asked him, raising my eyebrows.
He gave me a surprised look, followed by a laugh and a shake of his head.
"I like you, little red riding hood," he told me, grinning at me. "You have a wicked sense of humor."
I chose not to tell him I was being serious, and by the time he was done talking, we'd reached the classroom anyway. Jake stepped aside for me and I couldn’t have been more surprised. I sure as heck wasn't expecting him to be much of a gentleman, but he let me go inside first.
The class was filling up fast, but since there weren't a lot of us, most of the desks were still free. And no one wanted to sit in the front row, anyway. I was the only one who chose a desk right there, up in front, and just as I was settling down with my books, I heard a whistle in my direction.
"Yo, little Red," Jake called out. "Come sit with me in the back."
I glanced over my shoulder. He was sitting in the back along with one of his football buddies whose name I didn't know. They were both smiling wide at me, snickering and bumping fists like they were privy to a secret I didn't know. It was actually making me feel really uncomfortable, and I shook my head, giving them an apologetic smile.
"I'm fine right here, thank you," I called out, and Jake's expression fell.
I felt like shit for turning him down, and I felt my cheeks burning up with embarrassment. I sat down on my chair and opened a notebook, busying myself with some pens and pretending I hadn't seen Jake's face fall.
The bell rang, but just then, Jake appeared next to my desk.
"Hey," he said loudly. "I asked you to come sit in the back with us, little Red. Maybe you didn't hear me."
I gave him an incredulous look. Why was he doing this?
"I'm fine right here," I said softly, feeling like a moron.
I probably was one, for declining sitting next to him. For whatever reason, Jake Mills wanted me close, which could only mean good things for my reputation at the school. But I needed to sit u
p front. I needed to impress this teacher, and I needed that letter of recommendation. There was no way I was risking my scholarship for whatever Jake wanted from me.
"Are you sure?" Jake pressed me further. "It's nicer in the back. Come on, little Red, come sit with us."
"I'm really fine," I said, the tone of my voice getting weaker.
"Come the fuck on, Cora," he said, finally deigning to use my name. "Don't play hard to fucking get. I bet your panties are all wet at the thought of sitting with a guy like me."
I was blushing up a storm now, remembering the previous night. Yes, I had been wet then, but now? Jake couldn't be farther from the truth. I wasn't attracted to him in the slightest, but the mention of my panties made me think about him again... Maddox.
I got so involved in my own thoughts I almost forgot to answer Jake. I wanted to be polite, but he was really pushing it now.
I opened my mouth to decline him one last time when someone else spoke up.
"I suggest you sit down," a cool, dark voice told Jake.
A tall, strong masculine figure loomed in the doorway, and Jake finally moved out of the way so I could see who it was.
I gave him a once-over from the bottom up - his expensive leather shoes and an impeccably cut, probably equally expensive suit. He was wearing a tie and a white shirt, the blazer thrown over his shoulders.
The tie was done up messily, like he'd been in a rush when he put it on. My eyes roamed farther up and I gasped when I saw a face I could pick out from a crowd even after only seeing him once.
"Yeah, whatever," Jake gritted through his teeth, and threw his hands in the air like he didn't give a fuck whether I came to sit with him or not.
He moved back toward his desk while the man at the front of the room came up to his desk. He was so close to mine I could smell his cologne, dark, musky and seductive. I wanted to touch him, and if I had leaned just a little bit further in my chair, my fingers would be able to brush the expensive suit he was wearing.